Positive (Chapter 10)

Mar 21, 2010 09:35

Title: Positive
Author: xojemmaxo
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jon / Ryan, side Frerard and Brencer
POV: Third
Summary: Ryan perhaps thought that Spencer would have other things to do, better things. He had no idea what; maybe a new best friend in New York, one that fit Spencer's personality so well that he completely forgot about Ryan.
Disclaimer: I don't own these people and this quite possibly never happened.
Beta: hooray4irony
Author Notes: Angstiest, most uneventful chapter EVER. Things will actually happen soon, I've done a lot of research on pregnancy because I think it's time for Ryan to have more symptoms... Also, thank you and I love you to all the people who are still bothered to read this! (especially stupidrhapsody and all the other people who nagged me to get this chapter up) Oh and also, the accuracy of my facts are really off. example: Spencer is three years older than Ryan. Yeah.

Ryan's relieved when Spencer agrees to help Jon move into Ryan's apartment. He thinks he maybe knew that Spencer would say yes in the back of his mind, but there was still a lingering doubt, which accumulates after drifting away from your best friend for several years. Ryan perhaps thought that Spencer would have other things to do, better things. He had no idea what; maybe a new best friend in New York, one that fit Spencer's personality so well that he completely forgot about Ryan. Now that Spencer's actually here, Ryan knows there's no way that would ever happen. But he still doubts, just a little.

While Jon's in the shower, they organize a date. Saturdays aren't good, Ryan explains to Spencer when he asks. Jon's job is so demanding that the only day he gets off is Sunday; Saturdays are a rare luxury. Ryan can take days off whenever he wants -- Frank feels the need to reinforce that everytime Ryan comes in for work -- but he's barely scraping by as it is, paying for his shitty apartment costs money and so does buying food for himself and Jon. Next Sunday is eight days away, which is probably the best time to do it, since it's going to take a whole day to move all of Jon's crap.

"What about you, though?" Ryan asks Spencer. "When do you have to go back to New York?"

"Whenever I want," says Spencer. "I'm the executive of the company, which is kind of important, but there's a stand-in that'll take my place for as long as I need him to." He stands from the chair he's sitting at. "Do you want a coffee? I've been needing one since the plane flight."

"Nah. I can't," says Ryan vaguely, and toys with his sleeve. He doesn't really like discussing things like cravings and morning sickness with anyone other than Jon. When he does, it feels like he's telling a secret, something that should be kept between Jon and himself.

"Why?" asks Spencer, like Ryan knew he would, and Ryan shrugs. "Just... can't really stand the smell of it anymore," he says.

"That'd be because you're pregnant," says Spencer matter-of-factly. "When my sister was pregnant, she couldn't stand the smell of her husband. How weird is that? They had to like, sleep in different rooms of the house and everything." It sounds like Spencer's trying to make Ryan's problem seem insignificant, but Ryan knows it's Spencer's way of telling him it's not such a big deal, and that he'll be okay. He still feels kind of pissed off, now.

"Well, you know, I do work in a coffee shop," says Ryan. "And I have to go there every day so I don't get kicked out of the apartment, and everytime I walk through the door I almost throw up from the smell." He stops there, afraid he's going to keep ranting about work, because that would lead to him telling Spencer all about how he smokes during his ten minute break and everytime he goes back into the shop, every customer looks disappointed with him. He has mint gum stashed in his jeans pocket all the time. It's the only way to hide the cigarettes from Jon.

"Oh, shit," says Spencer. "I didn't think of that." He seems to forget about his coffee and instead raids the pantry, which is looking pretty bare since Ryan hasn't shopped for weeks. Ryan can see the edge of a mouse trap on a shelf over Spencer's shoulder. "Well, will your boss give you pregnancy leave?" Spencer asks, bending to see if there's anything of interest on the bottom shelves. There isn't.

"He doesn't know I'm pregnant, Spence, I told you," says Ryan.

"Well, tell him," replies Spencer, grabbing a packet of chocolate biscuits from the middle shelf and sitting back at the table.

"But --" Ryan doesn't want to tell Frank. Or Gee. Or anyone, really. Not even his parents, who he hasn't called for months anyway.

"But what? You can tell him, explain to him that you can't work there at the moment, and he'll give you leave. Are you worried that he won't give you pregnancy leave because you're a guy? Is he homophobic?" Spencer voice darkens a touch. He was bullied in highschool for being gay. Ryan remembers vividly, being one of Spencer's only friends as a kid. He knows that Spencer hates anyone who has even the slightest problem with him being gay with a passion.

"He's not homophobic," says Ryan quickly. "He's gay, too. He has a boyfriend. I'm positive he'll give me leave. I just -- don't really want anyone to know at the moment. I told you that, Spence."

Spencer sighs. "You can't just not tell him," he says. "You wouldn't have been able to hide the baby bump from me, and I highly doubt your boss isn't going to notice when you're the size of a house."

"But what if -- what if he laughs at me? Or asks why I'm even pregnant in the first place? He knows I don't like kids."

"Ryan, he's not gonna laugh at you." Spencer's voice is stern as he rips open the biscuit packet and takes a biscuit in his fingers. He takes a bite and Ryan watches Spencer's face screw up. "How old are these?" he demands, brandishing the biscuit.

"I don't know," says Ryan, trying to hold back a laugh.

"It's fucking hard as a rock!" says Spencer. He flips the packet over and checks the expiry date. "These went off two years ago, Ryan. Two years," he says. "I'm going shopping tomorrow if I have to live in this apartment with you and your stale food."

Ryan's laughter is interrupted by Jon walking into the room with wet hair and a towel slung around his neck. He clears his throat and says, "So, I'm hoping you two are friends again?"

"Yep. And you're moving in here next Sunday," says Ryan. He's still not keen on the idea -- especially since Clover, the cat who hated Ryan from the moment they saw each other, will be coming too -- but now that he's got something to plan, do, besides work (he carefully does not think about planning for the baby, he does not need to think about it more than he already is), Ryan's motivated.

Of course, it could also be the random happy mood swing he's having.

"That sounds like it'll work," agrees Jon. He sits at the table next to Ryan. "I can do all the legal stuff after I move out."


Spencer sleeps on the fold-out couch, which requires the loungeroom to be rearranged slightly. Okay, more than slightly. The TV is pushed right against the curtains, and the coffee table is wedged between the kitchen counter and the back of the couch.

"It's not the most comfortable thing in the world," says Ryan anxiously, as Spencer watches him enter his bedroom and reemerge with two pillows. He settles them at the head of the bed then sits down on it. The springs groan sadly.

"It's okay. I've slept on it before, remember?" Back when they were both teenagers and Ryan was still living with his parents, Spencer slept on the couch once or twice before just sleeping with Ryan in his queen-size bed. Ryan's parents had insisted that he take the couch when he moved out. He wasn't sure why. Maybe they expected him to have a lot of visitors; maybe it was because they didn't want the hideous brown and green upholstery anywhere near their house anymore. Ryan is secretly quite partial to hideous brown and green upholstery.

"Yeah. But we were kids then. Now you're practically an old man and vulnerable to back injuries," teases Ryan, picking up one of the pillows and poking Spencer in the side with it.

"Dude, I'm twenty three," says Spencer. "Twenty three isn't old."

"Still three years older than me," says Ryan. Spencer scoffs and sits next to him on the bed. The springs protest angrily.

"Do you realize it's been two years since we saw each other last?" asks Spencer suddenly, voice serious now. He isn't looking at Ryan; instead, he's staring at the patch of wall beside the TV.

"Yeah. That's about the time those biscuits went off," says Ryan, trying to lighten the mood.

Spencer chuckles. "Those things were fucking gross."

"Like hockey pucks."

"Yeah. But seriously, I feel like it's been half my life. Like, I have a whole new life which doesn't have my best friend in it, you know? It's pretty shit, Ryan."

Ryan, who now feels somewhat responsible for Spencer's angst, feels the need to apologize, but before he can, Spencer's talking again.

"And I missed you. I miss you. And the worst part is that I only realized that until tonight."

There's silence, then Ryan states hollowly, "Sometimes I think that you'll forget me, or find a better best friend and not want me anymore." He glances toward Spencer and Spencer's looking at him with an incredulous look on his face.

"What the hell, Ryan. I'd never just forget about you. You're my best friend. No one else is gonna take your place."

"Yeah," says Ryan, and looks down at his lap. "I'm. I'm really glad you're here."

Fucking HORMONES. Ryan uses a vicious swipe of his hand to wipe the actual, real, tears off his face.

"Yeah, yeah, me too." Then Spencer's arms are circling around Ryan's back and they're hugging, and it should feel weird since they never usually hug, but Ryan doesn't care. He has Spencer.


So that was the most angsty chapter ever. O_O I'm not exactly happy with this one, it's pretty uneventful. But uneventful things must happen to get to the good stuff!
Commenting and telling me to hurry the fuck up with updating usually motivate me to get on my ass and write, so. <3
Oh, oh, and also, a question: Can gay people ONLY get married in Canada?

ryan / jon, jon walker, frank iero, gabe saporta, panic! at the disco, gerard way, ryan ross, mpreg, positive, spencer smith, nc-17

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