i got a new livejournal name. because i want a livejournal that is completley friends only, and i am way to lazy to go back and make all my entries friends only. so the new name is agenda_suicidex add me bitches.
so i went to school for 10 minutes. realized that i didn't feel good and called my dad. he picked me up and now i'm home. listening to death cab and going back to sleep.
so i have a valentine. dan was the first to ask me. today was good. because it was a relaxer. i slept alot and talked to ryan on el telephono for about an hour. we laughed. and cried. me and morgin haev the best conversations. i talked to dan alot. i made my dad a mix cd for his car. my thoart hurts. and i need to do chem work.
i'm listening to agenda suicide. i'm thinking of kelly. i'm bored. and i might start my homework soon. I didn't get higher than a D on any of the midterms i got back. ha.
so today was good. i got home and slept. kelly called and i told her to come over. i was still sleeping and she crawled into bed with me. she cut her hair and we danced around. ate and then went running because we are the coolest.
ps- i'm going to junior formal with jake van lunen. this is going to be so much fun.