When mama brought me to church as a boy, the preachers used to say that Jesus was the only perfect person in the world - but I don't go to church anymore.
There are no perfect people - everyone is frail and everyone is weak. Everyone has a place where they break - a part where they were ill-made.
Decades of research into weapons like this, millions of dollars invested, and it's likely some old man who mixed up his medications and had a fit of pique. Makes a man worry about the state of his business.
It makes a man worry about the future of his business, too - backlash is an ugly thing.
[December 31, 1998She is still so fragile - not weak, so much, but brittle. What strength of character comes in flashes, glimpses, and then it shatters on the first hard thing it encounters
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There's a game in all of this, but I'm only playing on half the field. Sometimes - times like this - I regret what I did. It was better when there were secrets - it was better before her.
I can't sleep. It's like an ugly, restless energy - like caffeine pushed past the limit of exhaustion - so that all I can do is stare and lie awake and think.
There's steel to her, but it's raw and unfinished. I wish - well, sometimes it needs to bend a little, I suppose, before it learns to temper, and the /quality/ of it. It can't but become stronger from any crucible.