About the Author Checkpoint

May 17, 2012 00:39

We've already gotten a few questions about this so to clear up some things and let everyone know what's coming up.

The Author checkpoint IS mandatory. We DO NOT require you to send us any of your story or have a certain percent done at this point. Author's drafts are due June 20th, 2012 and at the time turned in must be 80% done and 4,000 words minimum. Posting doesn't start till July 6th so this should give authors a good amount of time to finish up their stories if they aren't complete already. Stories DO have to be complete at the time of posting.

The Author Checkpoint is solely to make sure the author has something written and is still taking part. It will be open from May 21st to May 28th giving authors a full week to check in. If you will be unavailable at this time please arrange for a proxy to check in for you (they need to be aware of where you are at in your story). Any author that does not check in during this period will be defaulted from the art and it will be given to one of our pinch hitters.

If you have any questions about the upcoming checkpoint or anything else coming up in this challenge please feel free to ask!

Also, remember we have an amazing support community at xmrb_support so if you aren't already a member please join!

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