Jul 25, 2005 12:40
Ok, Tommorow i leave for wooden acres so ill be gone for 3 weeks...ill miss u guys...my adress is in the previous entry. Pleazz Comment
Jul 18, 2005 21:33
hey sorry i dont update much. im goin to camp in a week at wooden acres sooon. gawd i hope there are hot girls there, i havent seen one all summer!! lol so anyway ive been soo bored if any of my friends are reading this we gotta make plans cause im so bored and goin to camp soon. heres my adress...My Name Wooden Acres Box 121 Rothsbury, MI 49452
Jul 10, 2005 12:31
Hey sorry i havent updated, ive been...busy. nothing much has been happening, just sitting at home playing video games all day. Harry Potter And the Half Blood Prince comes out on saturday! And TOMMOROW is my half birthday, so ill be 13...AND A HALF!!!!
Jun 29, 2005 22:47
ugh she hates me and i dont even know wht i did. if ur "she" (and u know who u are) please forgive me or at least tell me wht i did...
Jun 26, 2005 19:27
hey evry1 got a lj
first entry WOO HOO