Anya Green Drabble

Mar 19, 2007 14:53

Written for open_on_sunday's Green prompt:

Title: Bartering
Prompt: Green

Anya started to count the take from today’s business. “In my day, we didn’t have these easy to carry little slips of paper. Economic centralization in the modern sense wasn’t a concept we knew. I mean, you could pay tributes, you had to pay tributes, to the marauding axe-wielding viking hordes but that was mostly whatever livestock or heavy bits of gold you had. Dowrys were just goats and land.”

“How many goats do you think ol’ Xander would go for?” Xander asked.

“You’d be a pig.” Anya answered, oblivious to the joke even when Willow started to snicker.

fic: drabbles, site: open on sunday, char: btvs: anya, tv: btvs, 2007

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