To-Do List for the Whedonverse

Mar 18, 2007 20:15

This is more of a bookkeeping thing for myself than anything else but hey, if you are interested in what I need to do for my fandom stuff, go ahead, click it. You know you wanna! These are in no particular order.

1. Change my rec list to a monthly thing for the sheer fact I haven't had a chance to read/write much since I have been sick. With work getting crunch time in May, need to move it to monthly. I'll just do the recs by weeks instead of days.

2. Finish the rewrite/editing on Walking In My Shoes. It is already written. I just need to concentrate on doing the edit and rewrite. Kea has been stalking me for it. There are three chapters left.

3. Overhaul the crack!fic cross over between Bones/Veronica Mars/Angel. It is half done, I hated the ending. It needs a rewrite badly.

4. Do the oneshot with Cordelia going back in time to the 50s. I think that is going to be genfic though. Mike and I haven't decided.

5. Start the next big serial piece that doesn't have a title but does have Connor/Dawn and Angel/Cordelia. Plot is already outlined out, just need to write it.

6. Finish the fanmix that I started for C/A. I got a few songs picked out, need a few more (If anyone has any ideas!) I am really digging the fanmixing so I might do one for some of the other couples I like.

7. Finish the fic for my Fluffer. Not saying pairings or anything cause it needs to be a surprise. NOT C/A, oddly enough. LOL

8. I want to sign up to do a prompt at ca_atlast. I think that will be about July. I want to do the timed one.

9. Finish the Lindsey request icons that I have been working on for what seems like forever. I suck at putting text on icons, that is all there is to it.

Before December 2007:

1. Write Sarah a GillyPuffs piece for her birthday then write her a serious piece of something she wants for her birthday

2. I want to finish 101 drabbles before Dec. 31, 2006. I have 56 right now. I think I can do it. And they are TRUE drabbles too!

Already done:

1. Picked themes for still_grrr until June. No prompts, just the themes.

2. I have left all the icon comms that don't meet my "stringent" requirements in an icon community. (That was sarcasm. I have requirements, just nothing that is crazy. Just personal preferences)

3. I left one really intensive drama-filled RPG (Thank god) and joined a really laid back and cool one instead. It is a load off my mind, you have no idea. The drama in it was making me not want to turn on my computer.

4. The Fan-Art challenge I used to run at Angel's Oasis got overhauled so that is one less thing I have to keep up. (Hence why I started Still Grrr to be honest.) I don't need to worry about that unless someone requests that they want a special challenge.

5. I potentially might be leaving the round robin challenge at Angel's Oasis just because I can't get motivated for the fic. Sometimes, it just isn't working. I got the worst writer's block. And I am not sure if it because I am sick or if it is all the stress real life is tossing my way. Either way, can't concentrate. So have to see how that goes.

fic: drabbles, tv: ats, interests, fandom: recs, fandoms: role-playing, fic: serial, site: ca at last, graphics, fic: standalone, tv: crossover, pair: ats: cordelia/angel(us), promotion, fic: crack!fic, pair: btvs: gillypuffs, pair: rare, site: still grrr, tv: btvs, random, to-do, graphics: fanmix, graphics: icons

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