Four Angel drabbls for Good__Evil

Jan 15, 2007 11:19

Title: Knowledge
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG
Character: Angel (Shades of C/A)
Word Count: 100

He knew it wasn’t her. Always knew.

Once a vibrant girl who was crushed with visions that nearly killed her, now her body stolen. This was his fault. His mission had become her mission, his curse was now her curse. His love, his touch, only brought evil, even with his soul. He had to kill her to save her.

He grabbed the sword from the weapons cabinet, knowing he had to end this. Knowing now how Buffy felt when she plunged the sword into him. She knew then too, just as he knew now. They were not made to love.


Title: The Last Touch
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG
Character: Angel (Shades of C/A)
Word Count: 100

“She needs these.” He growled into the funeral director’s face, barely able to keep his demon from showing.

“Sir, we don’t usually...” The man trailed off as Angel shook him.

“Her feet get cold.” Was his only reply before he set the man down roughly.

The man stumbled back Angel shoved something into his arms before turning to walk away. He looked down at the items. They didn’t usually put shoes on a corpse. But he felt if he didn’t make an exception, slip the fuzzy slippers onto the feet of one Cordelia Chase, hers wouldn’t be the only funeral.


Title: Truthiness
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG
Character: Angel (Shades of C/A)
Word Count: 100

He should have told her. About Connor. About Cordelia. About everything in L.A. He could have told her a million things but with her, he always played at vague illusion and subterfuge. He couldn’t let her in, not the way he had with his friends in L.A. She had seen the worst of him and turned away. They had seen the worst of him and embraced it. He remembered her words during her only trip to L.A. and that is when he realized, it wasn’t she who didn’t trust him, it was he who didn’t trust her.


Title: Too Many Cooks
Author: xlivvielockex
Rating: PG
Character: Angel
Word Count: 100

Angel struggled as the group of burly orderlies wrestled him to the ground to get the straight jacket on him. One of the psychiatric hospital’s best doctors looked on, preparing a mild sedative.

“This is for your own good, sir. It is obvious by your actions over the past seven years, you are suffering from a severe form of multiple personality disorder. Your personality and motivations seem to change erratically. As if there are several different versions of “Angel”, some of them contradictory.”

“No!” Angel yelled, as he struggled more. “It was just bad writing. Bad writing I tell you!”

fic: drabbles, char: ats: angel(us), site: good evil, tv: ats, 2007, pair: ats: cordelia/angel(us)

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