(no subject)

Jan 15, 2007 18:04

Snagged from angdelia who took it from fade_forever

I am going to cut it because it got long. It is a little fandom meme: fave chars, pairings, etc.

1. The first character I fell in love with
Fox Mulder (X-Files) Oh honey, I was a total X-Phile. It was sad, that obsession. Now, I can't even watch the old episodes. I think I burnt myself out.

2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now
Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who) (Same answer as angdelia I came in at Ten and I was like meh, he is good. But I got Nine for Giftmas and I was like yeah, he rocks.

3. The character everyone else loves that I don't
Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer). I don't get it. Spike, early seasons, awesome. Spike, later seasons, no. (And to some extent, this goes for Angel and Buffy. Buffy is growing more on me thanks to ZIA. But I still harbor a lot of Angel dislike, which is odd given I ship C/A, I know. Cordelia made Angel likeable, if that makes sense?)

4. The character I love that everyone else hates
Jeeze, I don't know. There are a lot of Cordelia bashers. But maybe Connor (Angel). A lot of people don't like him and god knows, he was annoying and I hate Cordy/Connor but I don't know, he wasn't THAT bad. He was a teenager who grew up in Hell, so he gets a lot of slack cutting from me. And I like Dawn (Buffy) a lot too but I think that comes out of RPing her for so long. You start to analyze a char to roleplay them, you start to like them.

5. The character I used to love but don't any longer
Oooh, this is tough. I think Veronica from VM. I used to really love her but this season, I don't know. Something with her writing seems off. I much prefer the secondary characters. Which seems to happen on most of the shows I watch.

6. The character I'd want to be like
Cordelia Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel) (same answer again!) Then again, I always felt I could relate to her. Cheerleader and popular in high school, little queen bee, nearly died and my whole life was put into perspective. Now, I am all about the helping, not the hurting. I sound like a damn motivational ad.

7. The character I'd slap
Oh honey, there are way too many to list! I want to slap just about every character in every show once in a while. Who would I write off? Probably Cameron from House only cause she is SO moralistic and self-righteous. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I can't believe I have to pick just one!

8. A pairing that I love
Ninth Doctor/Rose (Doctor Who), Cordy/Angel (Angel), House/Cuddy (House), Buffy/Xander (Buffy), Caleb/Livvie (Port Charles), Willow/Tara (Buffy) and then these weird crack pairings I would love to see like Kendall from VM and Booth from Bones (both of them are whores, I tells ya) or McBain from OLTL and Sam from GH. I would love for someone to write a fic about the time Keith and Kendall (VM) spent together. I really have too many, if you just check out my userinfo. I am all over the board somedays.

9. A pairing that I despise (Can I change this to don't care for? LOL)
Buffy/Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and House/Cameron (House). (same answer again!) But, to be totally honest, it isn't that I despise this pairing as much as I am just not fond of it. I avoid it but if someone else likes it, they can totally go for it. Just you know, as long as they give me the same respect. I don't get in their bidness, they don't get up in mine.

humor, rant, quiz/meme/survey/etc, random

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