Title: Conversations with Kate Kane
Characters: Kate, Dinah, and Bruce. Also Ollie/Dinah (implied), Kate/Renee (implied), Bruce/Selina (implied, also technically Bruce/Talia).
Rating: G
Summary: Kate talks to Dinah. Kate talks to Bruce. Really, what were you expecting?
“Yes,” Kate took a sip of water. “I win.” )
Comments 9
Perhaps I'll write more, eventually. Only first I'd have to figure out who else Kate talks to and what they talk about. This might be because my mental picture of Kate/Renee is kind of, well, odd.
"Renee, we're going to miss our reservations!"
"Renee, you haven't eaten anything since breakfast."
"And that was coffee."
Somehow she absorbed JLU!Question's social skills. Clearly I need to sort this out before I'm allowed to write anything with Renee in it.
I have somehow come to the conclusion that Kate/Renee is EXACTLY like Huntress/Question in JLU. Yes.
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