Title: Conversations with Kate Kane
Characters: Kate, Dinah, and Bruce. Also Ollie/Dinah (implied), Kate/Renee (implied), Bruce/Selina (implied, also technically Bruce/Talia).
Rating: G
Summary: Kate talks to Dinah. Kate talks to Bruce. Really, what were you expecting?
“Oh, don’t even get me started,” Dinah sighed, setting down her fork. “I swear to God that man spends half of his time inventing new kinds of arrows.”
“Do you have to forcibly put him in the shower?” asked Kate.
“Seriously?” said Dinah. “She’s that bad?”
“She’s that bad,” said Kate, solemnly.
“But you’re, well,” Dinah raised her eyebrows and glanced back and forth. “You know. Involved in your work.”
“I can think and shower at the same time. Renee will forget to eat if she’s working on a case,” said Kate. “She’ll forget coffee.”
“Wow,” said Dinah.
“Yes,” Kate took a sip of water. “I win.”
“Yeah, well,” Dinah smirked. “Does she have kids?”
“Mm,” said Bruce. “It’s not Riddler.”
“Well, clearly,” Kate raised an eyebrow. “Anarky?”
“In the hospital, I believe,” said Bruce. He speared a piece of chicken with his fork. “A friend of mine is checking out Cluemaster.”
“It’s not Cluemaster,” said Kate. “My people are thinking red herring.”
“You have people?” asked Bruce with a small smirk on his face. “Congratulations.”
“Well, yes,” said Kate. “Although, I think you misunderstand me. That is,” she continued, “I haven’t adopted. I just date women on the right side of the law,” she smiled sweetly. “Unlike some people I know.”
He scowled.
“Touche, Kate,” he started to smile. “But I’m paying for dinner.”