Title: Kyuhyun's First Starring: Sungmin/Kyuhyun, Hyukjae/Kyuhyun Rating: NC-17 Genre: Romance, fluff, friendship Words: Ongoing A/N: A/N:For the BottomKyu community on LiveJournal Prompt: gif/drag game found in Lanaleiss' journal.
I loved the dynamic between Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun (I shipped them lol /kind of want all three of them to get together)... actually I loved the relationship between all three of them. Hyuk and Min being friends, Hyuk and Kyu being friends, and then Min and Kyu being lovers. ♥
dominant!Min... hnng. I bet a lot of people are going to ask for a sequel of Kyuhyun's first time *raises hand* ◕‿◕
Hehehe actually I've been persuaded to make a mini-series out of this XD Kyuhyun's Firsts I guess XD" though it'll be My First [something] =] This was My First Kiss XD Next will be at the beach, fuck it, I'm gonna have MinKyu do the nasty on the beach or something XD I need to write about a beach, right now! *eyetwitch*
omg yes! 8D Minkyu doing the nasty on the beach and then Kyu bitching about getting sand in unwanted places... lmao but anyway *cheers for Minkyu sex~*
Am i right that i get a hint if you gonna make it series? :D XD kyaaa I'll be waiting patiencely for the continuation of this Kyuhyun's first. Thxkyu for sharing! <3<3<3
Comments 6
I loved the dynamic between Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun (I shipped them lol /kind of want all three of them to get together)... actually I loved the relationship between all three of them. Hyuk and Min being friends, Hyuk and Kyu being friends, and then Min and Kyu being lovers. ♥
dominant!Min... hnng. I bet a lot of people are going to ask for a sequel of Kyuhyun's first time *raises hand* ◕‿◕
Next will be at the beach, fuck it, I'm gonna have MinKyu do the nasty on the beach or something XD I need to write about a beach, right now! *eyetwitch*
Minkyu doing the nasty on the beach and then Kyu bitching about getting sand in unwanted places... lmao but anyway *cheers for Minkyu sex~*
I'll be waiting patiencely for the continuation of this Kyuhyun's first.
Thxkyu for sharing! <3<3<3
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