Fan Fiction - No More Tears - Lydia (Teen Wolf) - 1/1

Oct 31, 2014 18:48

Title: No More Tears
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Aiden & Lydia Martin
Pairings: Aiden/Lydia & Jackson/Lydia
Rating: PG
Word count: 135
Warnings: None
A/N: Takes place sometime between "Master Plan" and "Tattoo" with minor spoilers for the latter. Written for the 20in20 challenge at gameofcards. Also on AO3. The table with all 20 stories can be found here.
Inspiration: Can't Cry These Tears-Garbage
Summary: Lydia goes to a party to get over Jackson.

Lydia took a deep breath. She blinked back tears, willing herself not to cry.

Jackson’s plane had left for London Monday and Lydia had skipped school, spending the day in her bedroom wallowing in self-pity.

Now it was Friday night and Lydia had had enough with wallowing.

Instead, she found herself at a party thrown by one of the seniors on the lacrosse team. She was slightly drunk and going back to the keg for another drink when she bumped into a guy with red hair.

“Watch it!” she cried, as he nearly spilled his drink on her.

“Sorry” said the boy. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine” said Lydia.

“Here, let me get you another drink” said the guy, taking her cup. As he filled it up, he turned to her and said “I’m Aiden.”

relationship: aiden/lydia, tv show: teen wolf, challenges, character: lydia martin, relationship: jackson/lydia, fan fiction, community: gameofcards, character: aiden (teen wolf)

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