Fan Fiction - I'll Wait for You - Aiden/Lydia (Teen Wolf) - 1/1

Oct 31, 2014 18:11

Title: I'll Wait for You
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Aiden & Lydia Martin
Pairing: Aiden/Lydia
Rating: PG
Word count: 140
Warnings: None
A/N: Takes place sometime between "Tattoo" and "The Divine Move." No spoilers. Written for the 20in20 challenge at gameofcards. Also on AO3. The table with all 20 stories can be found here.
Inspiration: Please Don't Say You Love Me-Gabrielle Aplin
Summary: Aiden and Lydia discuss their relationship.

Lydia and Aiden were in Lydia’s bedroom making out.

“Lydia?” said Aiden, when the two came up for air.

“Hmm?” said the banshee.

“We’ve been going out for a few months now-”

“I wouldn’t necessarily call it ‘going out’” interrupted Lydia.

“Well, whatever it is you want to call it-and we haven’t even been on a date” finished Aiden.

Lydia laughed and rolled her eyes. “When did you become the girl in this relationship? When we started this we agreed that we would keep this casual and fun.”

“Maybe I want more now” said Aiden.

“And maybe I don’t” said Lydia. “It’s nothing personal. I just got out of a serious relationship; I’m not ready for another one yet.”

There was a moment of awkward silence, after which Aiden said, “Then I’ll wait for you to be ready.”

relationship: aiden/lydia, fan fiction, tv show: teen wolf, challenges, community: gameofcards, character: lydia martin, character: aiden (teen wolf)

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