Title: Lost and Found
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Issac Lahey & Jackson Whittemore
Pairing: Isaac/Jackson
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 125
Warnings: Reference to a blowjob
A/N: Takes place after "The Divine Move," with spoilers up through that episode. Written for the
20in20 challenge at
gameofcards. Also on
AO3. The table with all 20 stories can be found
Inspiration: Bedroom Hymns-Florence + the Machine
Summary: Issac and Jackson reconnect after moving overseas.
It began as a way for them to forget about what they had both lost: the pack, Lydia, Allison. And it was natural that they should reach out each other, two Omegas with broken hearts separated only by the English Channel.
It was hard to pinpoint the exact time that their friendship became something more. It was some point between the weekly trips through the Chunnel and the time Isaac gave Jackson a blowjob as a birthday present.
But now they’re spending every minute together wrapped up in each other, and every minute apart thinking about one another.
Although they don’t talk about it, they both know this stopped being about what they had lost long ago. Now, it was about what they had found.