Fan Fiction - Then Stop Complaining - Lydia/Tracy (Teen Wolf) - 1/1

Aug 20, 2015 21:01

Title: Then Stop Complaining
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Lydia Martin, Tracy Stewart
Pairing: Lydia/Tracy
Rating: G
Word count: 200
A/N: Written for Day Five of Teen Wolf Femslash Week. Also on AO3.
Summary: Tracy helps a sunburned Lydia feel better.

Lydia gingerly sat down on the bed. “God, I hurt all over” she moaned. “Why can’t I have supernatural healing like you do?”

Tracy sighed. “I told you to wear sunblock” she said.

“I did!” Lydia protested.

“Did you remember to reapply it?” asked Tracy.

Lydia groaned.

“I’ll take that as a no” said Tracy. Then she said “Take off your nightgown.”

“Why?” asked Lydia.

“You’ll see” said Tracy. She left the room for a minute, before reappearing with a clear bottle of green gel in her hands. “This ought to help with the pain.”

“What is it?” asked Lydia.

“Aloe vera” said Tracy, squirting some of the gel into her hands. Then, she gently laid her hands on Tracy’s sunburned back and began to rub the gel over the skin. “I used to get sunburned all the time as a kid and my mom made sure she always had some of this in the house.”

“You know, there’s no scientific evidence that aloe actually helps in the treatment of sunburns” said Lydia, as Tracy was rubbing the gel on her skin.

“Does it seem to be helping?” asked Tracy.

Lydia smiled. “I think so” she said.

“Then stop complaining.”

fan fiction, relationship: lydia/tracy, tv show: teen wolf, character: lydia martin, character: tracy stewart

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