Fan Fiction - I Couldn't Live Without You - Jennifer/Kali (Teen Wolf) - 1/1

Aug 21, 2015 00:12

Title: I Couldn't Live Without You
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Julia Baccari (Jennifer Blake), Kali
Pairing: Julia/Kali
Rating: G
Word count: 200
A/N: Written for Day Six of Teen Wolf Femslash Week. Also on AO3.
Summary: Julia regrets attacking Kali.

Julia stared at the body lying on the ground. After a moment, she fell to her knees. “Oh, God, what have I done?” she sobbed.

Kali’s eyes were closed and she didn’t seem to be breathing. Julia wiped a smear of blood off the Alpha’s face, then bent over her chest, listening for the sound of a heartbeat.

There was a pulse, but it was weak. Julia leaned over Kali’s face and gently placed her lips on the other woman’s. The emissary poured all of her power into that kiss, hoping it would be enough.

Suddenly, Kali took in a sharp gasp of air. Julia pulled away from the Alpha and saw that her eyes had opened and her wounds had begun healing.

“What did you do?” asked Kali.

“I decided I couldn’t live without you” said Julia. “So I used my power to heal you.”

“I knew you didn’t have it in you to kill me” Kali said, smiling.

“Are you going to kill me?” Julia asked.

Kali chuckled. “I should” she said. “But I think we both know if I wanted to I would have when I had the chance. I love you, babe.”

“I love you too.”

fan fiction, character: jennifer blake, tv show: teen wolf, character: kali (teen wolf), relationship: jennifer/kali

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