
Apr 28, 2009 16:05

It's over ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

ellipser April 29 2009, 12:44:46 UTC
*squeeze* I'm glad you're getting some resolution.

Thanks for sharing the pictures.


xitsmejessica April 30 2009, 10:05:00 UTC
Thanks for the hugs! Glad you liked the pictures. Finally getting to see New York was a dream come true!


mossytangle April 29 2009, 14:18:16 UTC
How long since the accident?

I'd love to see that sex museum.


xitsmejessica April 30 2009, 10:06:35 UTC
I had my wreck in August of 2002. It was the 6th I think. On my way home from school on the first day of my junior year. So it's been a while.

I'd like to see the museum too! It's fascinating. I can't help but wonder what kind of stuff they have in there, you know? Like...exhibits or something? Live interaction? LoL!


laurainlimbo April 29 2009, 15:56:48 UTC
oh i'm so glad you resolved it - and that's a pretty decent settlement too! a new car is definitely a good thing to come out of all that. it's good to be moving on in so many ways - though still sad about your friend. *hugS*
thinking about ya!!

will check the pics later:)


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