(no subject)

Apr 28, 2009 16:05

It's over.

The other people called with an offer, and my car wreck case is FINALLY settled. The offer was $100,000. I took it. Because the max we could get was $110,000. After all the stuff is taken out, I should get around $62,000. I'm getting a new car, and saving the rest.

It's so weird that we settled my case on the day that marks 5 years since Danielle's suicide. I can't believe it's been that long. What a journey. And although hers is over, mine is (in some ways) just beginning. A door closed the day that she died. And 5 years later, another one closes. I am moving further and further away from my past. That cloud isn't hanging over me anymore.

It's definitely bittersweet.

I'm moving on.
At last I can see life has
been patiently waiting for me.

edit: I made a photo page on Shutterfly. It's the New York day trip.


That site is *SO* simple and user friendly. I love it! Let me know if there are any mistakes or anything like that. Or if you're unable to view anything! It's my first venture into making a page with Shutterfly!
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