Characters: Reki, Irene, Jack, Giselle, Miki, Tanaka, Caesar, Fuu, Lloyd
Location: wherever their homeroom is
Time: meeting time
Content: meeting for homeroom things and talk of X-gene
Format: action (see sub thread subject for activity); also party
Warnings: May contain flammable substances
May nothing blow up )
Comments 201
[He gives Jack a quick glance while wondering if Jack's holding a grudge or if recent events caused him to move on.]
[He does quirk an eyebrow when Reki looks his way, though.]
[What's your mutation? What are some benefits? What are some drawbacks? What's an experience you've had with your mutation?]
[These questions are visible somehow in the room, so the students (and staff) have prompts.]
I can manipulate wind. I haven't learned how to control it completely yet, but that's why I'm here, hm?
[Someone is trying to make conversations about this topic they have to do. =T]
I do know that I am able to both heal and use my abilities for offense, though. I haven't had to use it against an opponent yet, but it will definitely come in handy should an opportunity arise.
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