Characters: Amano Toko [
writemeasnack] and Inoue Konoha [
Location: Library, elsewhere later
Time: Evening ... ish?
Content: She's back, and theeeey need to talk.
Warnings: Should be tame? Two awkward teens. Yep.
Format: Prose.
what became of you? )
Comments 29
Toko was behind the counter, crouched near the floor in front of a tall shelf, picking things off the bottom of the shelf to return to the main floor of the library. She wasn't much paying attention to what was behind her, trying to catch up on work that had been left undone in her absence.
Turn Around.
She grinned, but thankfully this time she didn't tackle him over the counter. Instead she came out and hugged him tightly.
"I missed you."
"Didn't expect you to go back to work so quickly."
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