neverland group thread

Oct 27, 2009 17:27

Characters: Peter Pan and EVERYONE
Location: A classroom, and then NEVERLAND
Time: All day Tuesday, until someone finds Peter
Warnings: Peter makes the Institute his little bitch

Walls walls, wonderful walls! )

sanae hanekoma, matthew williams, !!open, alfred f. jones, russel tringham, peter pan, wendy darling, tina bell, shikamaru nara

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Comments 135

Tina totally resents the hair-pulling, but fancies it's affectionate firstlaugh October 27 2009, 22:07:27 UTC
Hidden under a table in an empty classroom, a little figure lay prone on the floor, arms flung across the carpet and eyes rolled into the back of her head. Tina’s fingers were balled into little desperate fists but the rest of small body was limp as she lay consumed in the illusion. Her lips twitched tremulously as somewhere, amidst the dense forests of the Neverland, she cried out...A chorus of angry bells, loosely translated into a stream of appalling insults, echoed throughout the woods as Tinker Bell flitted between the trees. For a whole minute Tink had been the happiest little fairy in the Neverlands - the sun was breaking through the winter clouds, Peter Pan was returning triumphantly to his domain and Tina was Tink, the brightest little ball of light in all the islands. Everything was alright again ( ... )


xylokinesis October 27 2009, 22:20:56 UTC
Russel had been attracted by the music, curious more about who was making that kind of noise in the middle of class time, and probably taunt them about the possibility of them getting in trouble over it. He opened the door, and was swept away to Neverland.

He looked all around himself, cursing his stupidity for getting wrapped up in someone else's silliness. This was two days in a row that he was going to be inexcusably late to class. After the fight in the library the day before that and the broken window, he was off to a great start.


usedslackoff October 27 2009, 22:52:42 UTC
For a moment Shikamaru was sure he was still asleep. This was certainly NOT his school, and must be a dream. However, his dreams were never so... fanciful. In fact, he dreamed plain ordinary dreams for the most part, with ordinary activities and an ordinary life ( ... )


xylokinesis October 28 2009, 00:27:49 UTC
He glanced over at the ninja--or so he assumed, because his clothes looked like he'd just dropped out of a ninja movie of some kind--and shrugged. He hefted his rather large and heavy backpack a bit higher on his shoulder. "Uh, yeah. Someone was playing some weird music." He frowned. "Does this kind of thing happen a lot around here?"


usedslackoff October 29 2009, 15:44:22 UTC
"Wouldn't know, first time I've found myself trapped in a situation like this," Shikamaru shrugged. This was such a drag, while the skyline was very nice here, he didn't appreciate this at all. Being trapped in some kind parallel world thing. Definitely seemed purposeful. You don't create a situation like this on accident.

"Troublesome," He was somewhat hoping the other guy knew something more than just that, "I was taking a nap in the music room. Woke up here. Due to my augmented wardrobe, I'm going to guess this is a reality warp of some kind." The ninjaish boy sighed, "Name's Shikamaru."


icons are kind of young for this; he's really about 8 or 9 lookswise |D notalfredjones October 27 2009, 23:04:11 UTC
Matthew could hear music, music he had never heard before and curiosity pulled him closer. When he opened the door, the world changed and dropped from under his feet. He caught himself and stared up at the world, suddenly a lot shorter and smaller than he had just been.

"W-what..." He felt younger, more free and happy, felt right like he had back when adults were still steady happy figures in his life and he would always be safe. The prospect of adventures seemed fun, because what harm could come to him? He was safe and he always would be. He disappeared into the woods, fairies flitting about him.


same age as his brother 8D evertosoar October 28 2009, 00:51:56 UTC
Alfred had thought he felt something--he wasn't sure what. Just a strange feeling about Matt that had driven him to try and find his brother, and eventually follow the music in hopes his twin would be nearby. He got a glance at what appeared to be a bunch of students laying around, including Matt, when he felt himself sucked into some other world, and suddenly much smaller.

Also, he had a pirate hat on. And the clothes to match it. This didn't explain where he was, but it was a pretty cool hat. But oh, right, his brother, where was he?



notalfredjones October 28 2009, 00:57:00 UTC
Matthew looked up at the voice behind him and broke out into a grin. His twin! He ran back out of the forest and grinned up at him.

"There are fairies in the forest!" He bounced a little, excitement overriding all adult worries. He was safe here after all, right?


evertosoar October 28 2009, 01:01:42 UTC
Somehow the idea of fairies seemed much more agreeable to him today, so he just tilted his head and decided to be pleased Mattie was nearby. He didn't like not having him nearby, so this was good. If Mattie hadn't answered then he would have worried, because he would only not answer if something was wrong.

"You're sure they're fairies?"


mymuralspeaks October 28 2009, 06:27:32 UTC
Sanae had been following a bit of music--better warn the kiddies to keep it down before one of the other staff get mad--but between one footstep and the next he found himself in something completely new.

He opened his mouth to say one of his many witty oneliners, but only a "mrreow" came out.

...Well that wasn't very cool.

The now black cat sat back on his haunches and washes his ears. What in the world was going on?


lmao awesome firstlaugh October 28 2009, 12:36:52 UTC
A cat! Tink couldn't help but be surprised. She'd been on the look out for newcomers all day - but a cat was a new one for her. She put her little hands on her hips and gave the cat an appraising stare.

Sure, there were animals in the Neverlands. Talking bears, lions, tigers, wolves, flamingos... many a long afternoon had been spent stalking the animals in wide circles around the mountains, occasionally wrestling with the odd rhino and occasionally letting the rhino win - but a cat?

Tink darted in for a closer look, buzzing around the cat's head in a stream of gold and light. Who on earth are you? she cried in her bell-voice, instantly translated into human (or in this case, cat speak) by the power of the Neverland illusion.

And why are you a cat, of all things?


<3 mymuralspeaks October 28 2009, 16:27:09 UTC
A glowing floating thing--his yellow eyes went wide and a paw raised to give the shiny thing a swat, but then it spoke and there was something about that...

Right, if he's a cat that could be a student! Sanae needed to figure out what was going on here, except all he could do was meow--hopefully she'd understand anyway. Who are you? What are you? Do you know what's going on here? Curiosity flared but that wasn't right, had he even answered her at all? I'm Mr H. He added on as an afterthought, twitching his tail absently.


Re: <3 firstlaugh October 28 2009, 16:59:13 UTC
The 'magic' of the Neverlands had worked it's mysterious ways, and Tink knew exactly what the cat was saying. So, it was another newcomer! She purposefully ignored the barrage of questions that was thrown her way and deftly darted back again, away from the all-too-threatening paw.

I'm a fairy, isn't it obvious? she replied haughtily, crossing her arms delicately and turning her nose up into the air. My name is Tinker Bell, she added. There was no way she was about to admit to being little Tina Bell. No, she was far too submerged in the fantasy to even acknowledge that she was currently talking to her psychology teacher...

But really, why are you cat exactly?


clairvoyansea October 28 2009, 17:19:41 UTC
Perhaps following the sound of music at such a time was a bad idea, but Kairi had always been a curious person. Besides, what harm could it do to look? Obviously Kairi needed to learn the dangers of other peoples' powers very quickly.

But when she entered the classroom and found herself somewhere that seemed to be incredibly far from where she had started out, she paused. This was confusing, and wrong, and out of habit she tugged her gloves up tightly until she felt the fabric dig into the space between her fingers. She wasn't making the connection to that Neverland place Peter had spoken about. Not yet.


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