Characters: James T. Kirk and OPEN
Time: the morning after
thisLocation: the gym
Content: Kirk's working out and putting Spock's gift of the new MP3 player and Yumichika's gift of new music to use
Format: I'm writing the main part in prose, but people are free to use action or prose. I will follow whichever
Rocky would be proud )
Comments 92
"You're pretty good at that." Of course, knowing what kind of place this was, Yumichika's kind of impressed that those punching bags last as long as they do.
"You aren't so bad at what you were doing over there," he put his hands on his hips, panting a bit.
Which wasn't a bad punch but it wasn't really great either. He frowned at the bag. Totally its fault.
And of course as he says this the music changes to "Whip It". He was running his oldies collection, what could he say?
Her cell phone in one hand and a towel over her shoulder, she paused once in the door and glanced up from her text. Oh... Kirk.
Everything Regina had said came flooding back to her at once, fueling her insecurities. Sure, Regina rarely approved of the guys Gretchen was into, but she wouldn't lie about seeing him with that art teacher a lot... She offered him a smile and made her way over to one of the treadmills.
The song ran out and he let out a sigh, turning off the mp3 player before trotting over to Gretchen with his most charming grin. "Hey beautiful," he winked at her, wiping his arms free of sweat.
Oh, but then he turned off the music and was coming her way. She nearly tripped over her own two feet as she mentally freaked out. Regina's words just wouldn't leave her head. She offered him another smile. "Hey there."
"I haven't seen you around for a bit," he mentioned. "Though, I guess absence does make the heart grow fonder." He threw that smile at her again, leaning on the front of the treadmill and looking up at her.
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