Characters: Leon, Manuela, and anyone who wants to say hi to the shy new kid
Location: Roundabouts the school
Time: Afternoon sometime
Content: Recent Brohood escapee Manuela returns from the hospital into something even scarier. School.
Format: Proseity
Warning: Cute.
Zombies are much less scary than the prospect of high school. )
As she was wandering the halls and trying to figure out a way to spin this before the time zones matched up and she got the inevitable phone call, she spotted a girl sitting quietly outside of Mr. Kennedy's office. The poor thing looked so skittish just sitting there, Nakuru decided to do her a favor and take her mind off of whatever was making her so nervous.
"Hi there!" she said brightly, crouching down a little so they were at eye level with each other. "I don't believe I've seen you around here before. What's your name?"
((OOC: Potentially causing time paradoxes by alluding to events that haven't yet fully played out? Sounds like fun to me! XD))
"So what about you? What's your power?" she asked curiously.
Manuela drifted off. Well... she wasn't supposed to go into a lot of detail about what was up with her. Hearing that she had a virus might freak people out, but she technically was a mutant after all.
"My power is not nearly as good," Manuela lamented. "My blood... lights on fire."
Nakuru tilted her head curiously as Manuela hesitated. She was about to prompt her to continue when... "Wow," she said, not quite sure what else to say. "Um, that's... unique," she added lamely, unable to come up with a more positive description at the moment.
Besides, she had found ways to be useful with her powers before. Like, for instance, helping to kill her father after he mutated into a sixteen-story monster intent on destroying the world.
Manuela decided to change the subject. "Do you like going to school here?"
"I suppose it isn't bad," she said thoughtfully, glad to have the new topic of conversation. "I mean, it's school, which means sitting through class, but there are a ton of awesome people here, and the clubs and stuff are really great. So are some of the electives too, I guess," she added as an afterthought. "It's certainly more fun than a regular school, I can tell you that much."
"I am sure I will be fine. I just need to get used to it," Manuela said, nodding her head sagely.
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