Characters: Leon, Manuela, and anyone who wants to say hi to the shy new kid
Location: Roundabouts the school
Time: Afternoon sometime
Content: Recent Brohood escapee Manuela returns from the hospital into something even scarier. School.
Format: Proseity
Warning: Cute.
As soon as she and Sakura were picked up at Leon's request, Manuela was whisked off to the hospital to see to her condition. It was about a week of quarantine and blood tests and lots and lots of counselors talking to her about what had happened, but she was used to all of that, so it didn't bother her much. She even got to talk on the phone to the nice government doctors from the facility, who were very happy to hear she was safe.
In the end, it was decided that she might be safest staying at the Institute for the time being. The virus was still dormant, so there was no problem.
The very prospect was terrifying.
So Leon had a very skittish girl hanging around his office for some time now. She was currently sitting in a chair out in the hallway (she had not wanted to bother him), looking at her new stack of schoolbooks with something akin to terror in her eyes.