Characters: Bakura and Albert Wesker
Location: Off-campus somewhere in Salem.
Time: Evening.
Content: Bakura's tired of playing nice in a situation he hates. Wesker's looking for people to join his cause.
Format: Action tags.
Warnings: Wesker and Bakura. 'Nuff said. (Implied thieving and possible cursing on Bakura's part.)
All I wanted was the world. )
Comments 40
If he's being watched, he'll just have to deal with them.]
He stands where he is, still watching the boy with a neutral look on his face.]
The young man's not one for subtlety when it comes to machismo, so he steps fearlessly up to Wesker and looks him straight in the eye, a sardonic and maybe not quite sane smirk twitching at the corners of his mouth.]
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