Characters: Bakura and Albert Wesker
Location: Off-campus somewhere in Salem.
Time: Evening.
Content: Bakura's tired of playing nice in a situation he hates. Wesker's looking for people to join his cause.
Format: Action tags.
Warnings: Wesker and Bakura. 'Nuff said. (Implied thieving and possible cursing on Bakura's part.)
[It's been awhile since he's done some decent thieving. He's been playing nice, clipped onto the school's leash by way of Emma Frost, and he's tired of it. He's got to keep his skills up somehow; after all, he'll get tired of waiting eventually.
He leans against an alleyway casually, distinct silver hair mostly hidden by the hoodie he's wearing. Now to find a target. He watches the crowd milling down the streets; he plans to start off with someone easy and work his way up. It's more lucrative that way.]