Location: Emma Frost's office aka the Brotherhood Recruitment Center.
Time: Friday afternoon, after
this broadcast across the InstituteContent: Rune, Red Helen and the Gambler field questions, accusations and attempts at violence from the remaining students and staff of the Xavier Institute.
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Comments 258
So all she could do was keep an eye on things and keep trying to call the staff, or the students at the conference, ANYONE! However every dialing attempt met with the phone system being overloaded. Something else was going on, something big, or these guys had some way to keep the phones busy. Cass would know how to deal with this, she's good at this sorta criminally spy stuff.
Holly J was a cheerleader who could plan the best dances... what could she do?
"I didn't think running away was right, especially if it meant they could talk to some of the students that are here that might listen to them..."
"That's precisely my concern... unpleasant though the thought is, there's a few who might be swayed to join if they come by them." He leans against the wall next to her contemplatively. "So, we can either go in there and cut off the snake's head, or try our best to stop others from wandering into its teeth."
Well, I gotta say, this is a fascinatin' new development, Lou.
Right you are, Terrence. Right you are.
Not every day you see someone got the cojones into Ms. Frost's personal office. Wonder why that is.
Could be 'cause she'd turn their minds to jelly, Terrence.
Could be. Or it could be 'cause of us.
[the pink one cracks his knuckles]
Oh, it looks like we've some unwanted company! [ he very quickly grabs his friggin' huge gold staff, which has been lying across the desk behind him, aiming it at the pink one. ] I'm so sorry, but Miss. Frost isn't here to jellify anyone's brains - this is a private meeting and you're not invited.
[ pink mook, you are now being conveniently dropped just outside of the school grounds. and you shall not be getting back in :) ]
[whips out an ivory-handled pistol and does his level best to shoot the staff out of Fay's hands. meanwhile, Terrance makes a Very Important Phone Call]
And it's Ms. Frost to you.
[ fuck I think she did. ]
[ fucking speedsters. ]
He is not, however, going to be sauntering in through the door. Instead, he sneaks in through a warphole - it drops him out on the ceiling. How long will it take before anyone thinks to look up?]
[the question trails off as she sees a familiar shock of red hair and she moves forward a little] Axel?
Hey there, Squirt.
Are you leaving?
Toasterfaces are handy that way sometimes.]
You know, in my day it was considered polite for guests to announce themselves at the door, not simply waltz into a lady's private office. Such rudeness really, what is dear Erik thinking?
This kind of thing happen often in academia?
[He gulps the coffee down in one go, then pours another.]
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