Part One Here Part One Plot Post Here Part One and a Half Here Part One and a Half Plot Post Here Part Two Plot Post Here Part Two Here Welcome to Weskerplot, Part Three-- THE FINAL CURTAIN! You guys have done a FANTASTIC job so far and I'm glad to see everybody going wild with the zombies! Part Three of the plot is going to be somewhat similar to part two (with the groups) but there are going to be a few key differences.
Part Three begins with the opening of the Laboratory Corridor Door that your teams have been working so hard to secure and unlock. When the door opens, your characters will find themselves at a crossroads. One corridor leads straight ahead on the second floor: one leads down to the first floor, and one leads down to the basement level (I know this is a ship and there cannot technically be a basement, but shut up, we are in the middle of an RE-based plot, here. You're lucky there's no space lasers. Yet.)
The characters will break up into five new teams. One of these teams will proceed to each level of the ship before them. Two of these teams will not continue past the door, but will instead be called back for a rather pressing crisis on the other side of the boat. All of these parts are important. Some of them are more combat-oriented than others, so if you are concerned about your passive/defensive/pacifist character getting their ass kicked in this part of the plot, speak to me privately and I'll give you a hint where your character might best fit.
The catch is, I'm not going to tell you what each team will be doing until they reach their destination in the thread. Your characters have no idea what they're going to be heading into, and neither will you!
Out of 36 characters who signed up for the shipboard antics, the cap on characters per team is seven each this time, except for one team which will have a limit of five . This is due both to the size of where that team is heading and the mechanics of what has to happen when they get there. It simply won't work with more than that.
I realize that not everybody who signed up for part two actually made it into a group and participated-- that is okay. If you are one of those people, feel free to throw yourself back into a group for part three. We can say you got locked in a closet or something.
Speaking of which, there are a few new characters who appeared in the middle of part two-- Claire Redfield and Alex Russo. These characters do not count for the team limits, since it wouldn't be fair if their arrivals pushed somebody else out of a team. (For example, if a team already had the max number of people on it and Alex wanted to join that team, it would be okay.)
Yes, every group is doing something very important.
No, not every group is going to directly rescue the students from the lab.
No, I will not tell you which group is doing what ahead of time.
Yes, your whole group from part 2 can sign up for the same team this time.
Yes, you can switch to be on a team with someone else who wasn't in your group last time.
Yes, the number of team members is somewhat negotiable if you are absolutely desperate to join a particular team.
No, I really will not let more than five people join Team Banana. It'll be way too complex with more than that.
Keep in mind that part three going up doesn't mean that part two is cut off. Please keep posting over there and I'll keep up with the npc posts as necessary. Zombie carnage for everyone!
Here are the team names:
Team Apple (seven people)
Team Banana (five people)
Team Canteloupe (seven people)
Team Durian (eight or nine people)
Team Eggplant (eight or nine people)
Signups for teams will be on this post and I will reveal what your team is up to in the rpg post itself. Isn't the suspense just killing you?
Within twenty minutes of the ship coming to a stop (thanks Group Three!) the military carrier arrives a short distance away. That's right, you guys aren't done yet! You will be assisting in the rescue efforts once the kidnapped kids are released into good guy custody, and you may have to help out with something else too, if, say, something comes up...
Here comes the cavalry! At last, kidnappees, the time has come for you to be freed! Once the rescue team reaches the labs, you'll be released from your cells. Unfortunately, the power-suppressing drugs are still in your systems, making you feel weak and listless and limiting you to mostly physical attacks... for now. There's also the matter of those T-virus implants most of you are wearing, which will have to be dealt with pretty quickly... since unplugging them gives you about twenty minutes until the T-virus kicks in.
Fortunately, the laboratories on the ship have the equipment needed to produce a large quantity of T-vaccine. Unfortunately, you may not have enough time to mess with them before the shit hits the fan.
You know who you are.
Stay tuned for word from me, or alternatively just IM me at FullArmoredGG to get the skinny.
The rpg post for this section of the plot will go up tomorrow evening, Friday, April 23rd, around 9 PM, Mountain Daylight Time (GM-7).
I think that about covers it until I actually get to reveal what each team is doing. If you have any questions, need help or aren't sure where you belong, IM me at FullArmoredGG or drop me a PM on my main LJ,
ggmoonycrisco. (During the weekdays, you will get a hold of me via PM much more quickly.)
ETA: Well would you look at that, the URL contains "666." B|