Didn't think I could finish this one up this week, but here it is (I'm trying to publish at least once a week these days to get through my backlog of unfinished fics!). This one is a Justin POV set before and during 201. No spoilers :)
Technicolor Dreaming )
Comments 66
Brillant. Absolutely lovely and heart rending at the same time. Thanks for this, Ethan!
You feel the tears come to your eyes and you curl up deeper beneath the sheets and remember his kisses, his touch. Remember the things that happened before and try to remember how you felt before, before fear and anger and pain were the only things you knew.
Your mom says she has a room for you at the new town home, and it hurts a little inside because you know that's not true. You know she'd set that room aside for an office for her new real estate business and you hate that now you had to intrude on her life too.
I don’t usually quote so much, but these words have so much relevance for both Justin, and older age dementia.
Zebras are my favourite animal-black and white all on the same animal. Maybe they are natures way of superimposing Technicolor dots. Eathan, you make me cry.
Thank you!!
I have a real weakness for early-S2 fics, especially ones written as well as this, because I was really disappointed with how the bashing was handled. This is now my favourite early-S2 fic, hands down. Just absolutely gorgeous. I mean... So perfect. So... spot-on. Everything.
The way you write Justin is amazing. You write him exactly the way I picture him in my head, down to the last detail. You've got the perfect Justin voice, it's like you're inside his head. Sometimes I think you must be a lot like Justin to be able to write him so perfectly. Then I remember that the reason you do it so well is because you're a word-wizard, plain and simple :)
"...you find yourself cradling your gimp arm like it's broken or hurt, but it's not really. There's nothing wrong with your *arm*, just the wires in your head that ( ... )
The part you pulled out was seriously one of the first pieces of this fic that I wrote and completely inspired me to write the rest of it. I always noticed that about Justin, how he held his arm like that, and I thought maybe inside he could be feeling this way about it. One interpretation, anyway :)
My "secret little folder"!! lol! I love that. I really am trying to work my way through it - I hate throwing *anything* out and so I feel pretty confident that most, if not all of my WIPs, will end up seeing the light of day sooner or later in some shape or form!
And getting this kind of feedback totally encourages me to keep going. Thank you so much, as always :)
Yeah, mine too.
You stepped in a puddle and nearly drowned that night.
I love this line! Excellent.
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