Title: Can't Just Love Anyone
Chapter: 4/?
Pairing: Joon/Mir, Seungho/G.O, Cheondoong/?
Rating: PG - PG13
Summery: As Cheondoong's older sister, Dara is determined to find her little brother a lover. Even if that meant setting up
countless blind dates and surprise meetings.
[o3] Cheondoong was in disbelief. Why would TOP agree to be his first date? He came out from hiding and stared at his hyung, then at Dara, back at TOP. "Would you man up and go get dressed. You're such a baby." Joon said pushing Cheondoong towards his bedroom. "If you haven't realized, I'm the 2nd youngest one in this group!"
He exclaimed slamming the door shut. He sighed as he made his way to his closet. Pitifully picking out his clothes, showering, bushing his teeth, fixing his hair, and getting dressed."Are you happy now that I'm completely depressed." He said upon his entrance. Dara awed as she clasped her hands together.
"Look at my baby bro." Dara wiped a tear from her eye, as Cheondoong rolled his eyes. "Noona, Are you seriously crying, what the fu-" TOP put his arm around Cheondoong and began to drag him before he could finish his sentence. "Ah, Doongie, lets go. Traffic man Traffic."
Cheondoong shrug off TOP's arm and walked out the door. TOP bowed and said goodbye before following out the door.
- - - - - - - - - -
Cheondoong's POV
"So far our "date" was going fine... I guess. We were at dongdaemoon. Why we were here, I have no clue, but I'm glad we are. Shopping here can take my mind off of all this stress clouding my head." I was puuled out of my thoughts when TOP hyung put his arm around my neck. "Doongie, whatever you want, hyung will buy for you." Girls screamed and squealed as we walked through the crowd.
"I hope you know hyung, I have really expensive taste." He chuckled. "Well good thing I brought my Company's card." I stopped and looked at him. "I can't use your company's card!" He chuckled even more. "Chill, the card belongs to the company, but it's my money. From drama's and show appearances." My mouth made an 'o' shape. We came up to the shoe department and my eyes began to shine.
I walked up and immediately began to pick up shoes, holding them in my arms. I narrowed down 30 pairs of shoes to 4. "Ahjumma, do you have these in a size 9?" TOP asked. The middle aged woman came back with the 3 boxes of shoes and I began to smile like a little kid who just got his favorite kind of ice cream.
TOP hyung paid and I jumped on his back. Thank you Hyung!~"