Title: Can't Just Love Anyone
Chapter: 4/?
Pairing: Joon/Mir, Seungho/G.O, Cheondoong/?
Rating: PG - PG13
Summery: As Cheondoong's older sister, Dara is determined to find her little brother a lover. Even if that meant setting up
countless blind dates and surprise meetings.
[o3] Cheondoong was in disbelief. Why would TOP agree to be his first
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Comments 4
But still TOP... xD
Sry, I can't find any relations. *rofl*
thanks for reading
Awwww that was so cute!! TOP is so good!! Hmm im wondering what is going to happen between these two XD
you're almost done, no more studying/homework xD
you never know what will happen x3
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