Exquisite Corpse - Photomanip Round Robin

Apr 20, 2010 19:20

ETA: Sign-up procedure clarified. Image size adjusted. Exclamation-point abuse corrected.

Banner by rizny

Welcome to rizny & xenokattz's first ever Exquisite Corpse Photomanipping Round Robin! We know there are a lot of awesome fellow manippers out there and we want to play with you. Taking a page out of Surrealist Movement, we hope this'll be a fun & challenging activity for those of us who love to mess with photographs (and other people's heads).

How? Glad you asked!

The Rules
1. 4-5 people per corpse image.

2. Sign up for a week (ie. Week 1,2,3,4,5). We, the hosts, will randomly assign groups & keep them secret. This will keep things anonymous & prevent collaboration in the group.

3. Week 1 Manipper has 7 days to find an image maximum 600x800 & manip it according to the theme.

4. After 7 days, Week 1 Manipper will send the image as a JPG to me, Katt, at xenokattzlj [at] gmail [dot] com. I will then forward it to Week 2 Manipper. Lather, rinse, repeat. This will further prevent collaboration. Even if you aren't completely satisfied with your manip, it MUST be emailed to the host in 7 days. If you're done before the 7 days are up, even better.

5. After every person has finished, there will be a GRAND REVEAL! Then a couple days after the GRAND REVEAL, we'll show the progression of the manips.

NOTE: If there are only 4-6 people total (including myself & rizny) who sign up, we'll ditch all this anonymous nonsense & just email each other. ;)

What can we manip?
ANYTHING. I mean it. Change the background. Change the face. Change the clothes, the weapons, the car, the eye colour, the hairstyle. Anything. ANYTHING.

For example, Week 1 Manipper finds a picture of a pony in a farm and manips it so there are many ponies in a field. Week 2 Manipper takes that picture of ponies in a field and makes them baby Pegasuses in a field with the burning remains of the Coliseum in the background. Week 3 Manipper takes the Pegasuses in a field with the Coliseum and turns them into winged centaurs on a carousel. Week 4 Manipper creates Galactus about to smite the carousel. And so on and so forth. Make it as complex or as delicate as you want.

Anything. ANYTHING.

Awesomesauce! How do we sign up?
Just reply to this post with the week you want to have and an email address where we can send the JPGs.
Week 0: April 20-25 - Sign up to play
Group Assignments: April 26
Week 1: April 26 - May 4 - Remember to look for an image
Week 2: May 5-11
Week 3: May 12-18
Week 4: May 19-25
Week 5: May 26 - June 1
Grand Reveal: June 3
Behind the scenes reveal: June 6

Deadline to send your JPG is midnight Pacific Standard Time. If you think you'll be late, please let Katt know ASAP so she can alert the next group member.

Sounds like your kind of game? Come play & spread the word!

This round's theme is Superheroes. We're making it easy.

fanart: exquisite corpse round robin

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