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Comments 12

hellodolly December 14 2009, 07:58:35 UTC
I can only imagine there are preconceptions about outta-state Mormons. Not gonna lie, though, actually living here definitely changed MY preconception about "Utah Mormons". You guys are a lot more normal than I expected, and I feel like a jerk for pre-judging. I've run into my fair share of fake members (you know the type) from BOTH the U and the Y (i.e. MY FREAKIN' ROOMMATES), but I've run into some genuine people from both too.

I'm not sure if I even have the right to judge other members or even call myself a member anymore just outta sheer inactivity. :| When making it to church is a little easier this summer, I'll see if I can get back on track.

Anyways cool entry, I enjoyed reading it. :)


xeniph_b December 14 2009, 14:51:15 UTC
There probably are, there are preconceptions about everything, but to be honest the only preconceptions about "out-of-state Mormons" that I personally have encountered is that they have it tougher and have to show their standards a lot more.

And yeah, there are bad and great people in all areas...I just get tired of my opinions being tossed of just because they seem to be with the "Utah Mormon" theme. Just because I grew up in Utah doesn't make my opinion invalid, you know? XD

Yeah, I'm just coming back from a rough patch with activity. It's really hard, but you know I feel so much better for doing it. It's weird how you sort of don't even realize what you're missing until you go back. XP


ex_talia_sp December 14 2009, 12:28:17 UTC
I think I've gone over this once before. Somehow I am having deja vu ( ... )


xeniph_b December 14 2009, 15:12:29 UTC
Yeah, we went over this. ;D And I agreed there are overzealous members of all faiths and in all places. And I understand when you're exposed to bad repeatedly it can get very hard to keep an open mind and look for the good. I'm not going to actively try to change your prejudices, because as I said in the entry you have your own experiences. I'm just going to try to be the best example of a "good" (although admittedly very imperfect) Mormon. Because that's who I should be, anyway. That means I won't try to force you, but I will be myself and believe what I believe and have my own opinions. I've been a little TOO careful about that, and it stinks. XP Not saying I'm going to be rude about it or anything, just that I'm going to be more honest ( ... )


xeniph_b December 14 2009, 15:13:14 UTC
Wow, and I really did not start of to write a freaking NOVEL about this, I promise! XD


ex_talia_sp December 14 2009, 15:17:57 UTC

serenelune December 23 2009, 08:18:34 UTC
My issue with Mormons was never concerning Utah Mormons. I have/had some friends in Utah, so I know they're cool, but, every time I've been over in St. George I HATE it because they think I'm going to rob a store, tail me, or tell me they don't speak Spanish. Enjoyed myself in Cedar City, but I guess it really depends on how rural the area is. That's the conclusion several people I've met have also made towards the Mormons: It's not Utah so much as the areas that are closed off from being exposed to several kinds of people, that have people migrate to nearby cities, where we get the "Utah Mormons". Other than that though some of you guys can be fun.


serenelune December 23 2009, 08:31:23 UTC
*Sorry, forgot to add more. I accidentally pressed enter. I've been to high school with Mormons (Though rarely met the kind disapproval of Utah Mormons) and then community college with Mormons in my soc class. I've also understood over the past few years how people can be uncomfortable with the things you describe. Totally did not get it until I got older helping my sis with her kids out and seeing the mess that high school/college does to kids in terms of self-respect. It's all on the person really; could be Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, etc. It's just, IMO, easier for people to pick on Mormons because they're growing more rapidly. Mind you, on my earlier post, I don't think Mormons are necessarily racist, but, it's just the rural mentality. But as for everything, I always keep in mind that people come to their own conclusions for a reason and you should always keep that in mind. Anyway, I'm sorry you've had a hard time with the things you've said on your list. Just hold your head up high and know you're being more true to yourself than ( ... )


xeniph_b December 23 2009, 10:14:56 UTC
Yeah, what you've said makes a lot of sense. I just tend to get really tired of people assuming I agree with them about "Utah Mormons," and upset when people who've LIVED in Utah for a while (the urban areas) have the mindset or talk down about "Utah Mormons," and even more when other MORMONS talk down about "Utah Mormons." I just sort of feel like they should know better, you know? XP I try really hard to ignore it and let it slide, because it's their opinion and whatever...but lately I've felt like I've been keeping my mouth shut a lot and letting people assume I agree with them, and I figured it was time to set the record straight. XD Thanks so much for your comment!


salquelatine March 29 2010, 16:30:04 UTC
I just met some LDS missionaries at my work the other day. (I'm Baptist and I live in the heart of the "Bible Belt"). Growing up I've always heard that they believe incorrectly/weirdly... Thanks to my parents who taught me not to prejudge, I was able to sit down and discuss some of your denomination's theology and compare it with mine ( ... )


xeniph_b May 1 2010, 18:55:54 UTC
How did I ever miss this?!

I love that you were open-minded and gave learning about our Church a chance. I've studied a bit about other religions on my own time (not as much as I want to, though, due to time constraints) and I have found we really do have a lot of things in common!

So I guess any religion will have its blind-faith members. Do you also get people of your religion who don't live in the "heart of the Bible Belt" who automatically assume that since you do you have that blind-faith outlook? And does that question make any sense? XD

To answer your question: yes, it does. I consider myself pretty open-minded, because I really THINK about an issue. There are some things I'm not sure about, but for the most part I have reasons for what I believe. So when people automatically think I'm stupid or dogmatic or what-have-you, I get frustrated.

Thanks for letting me know! I appreciate it! If you don't mind my asking just which state do you live in?


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