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xeniph_b December 14 2009, 15:12:29 UTC
Yeah, we went over this. ;D And I agreed there are overzealous members of all faiths and in all places. And I understand when you're exposed to bad repeatedly it can get very hard to keep an open mind and look for the good. I'm not going to actively try to change your prejudices, because as I said in the entry you have your own experiences. I'm just going to try to be the best example of a "good" (although admittedly very imperfect) Mormon. Because that's who I should be, anyway. That means I won't try to force you, but I will be myself and believe what I believe and have my own opinions. I've been a little TOO careful about that, and it stinks. XP Not saying I'm going to be rude about it or anything, just that I'm going to be more honest.

And TBH, now that I think about it, this wasn't as much directed at people who are "nonmembers," if you will. I know there is a certain way people see "Mormons" outside of the church. I may not like that image, but I don't get overly upset about it unless someone I know gets offensive with it or something.

This was more directed at what hellodolly calls "Out-Of-State Mormons." Or even some "Utah Mormons-but not THAT kind of Utah Mormon." People who should know better. I have a couple of "friends" (not on lj) who are "Out-Of-State Mormons," and have to hear them griping about the "Utah Mormons." Most of the people I've met are relatively normal, thank you! I have to listen to them talk down every opinion I or members of my family have, simply because it's so "Utah Mormon." As if we hadn't considered our opinion or anything, just...ugh. Is this making any sense? I guess I'm tired of being quiet and feeling guilty and bad because they feel they're so superior. THEY have the money to go abroad and get "real experience," THEY'RE so liberal so they don't just follow the Republican dogma like the "rest" of the "Utah Mormons." THEY have a nonmember boyfriend or girlfriend...I'm sure they honestly like this person, but they bring it up like they're some sort of trophy to show they're not a "Utah Mormon." And I'm sorry, but if your bf/gf is can't speak without swearing twice per sentence, is actively making fun of and hating your religion, drinks, and in general only shows they care about you by giving you a smooch and holding hands (otherwise they couldn't seem to care less)...Saying I don't like that person does not mean I'm a "Utah Mormon" just hating on nonmembers! It means I think the person is a jerk! But some people would just pass it off as the former, telling me I'm too judgmental.

*shrugs* I've just gotten tired of keeping quiet because I don't want to seem like a "Utah Mormon." And now I'M rambling. Does this make sense a little more? I'm just trying to remind people who should know better. XP


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