Title: "And what's work, anyway?" Fandom: Stargate Universe Characters: Nicholas Rush, Everett Young Pairing: Young/Rush Warnings: Spoilers for chapter 47 of FoD, I guess?
I love this so very much. I will c/p my sonnet singing this art's praises!
You can find a story on fanfiction.net granted to us mortals by cleanwhiteroom and on tumblr, you can find some fanart of it painstakingly crafted by coattailsofdoom now, this fanart has amazing components you will find some great shading there but the purpose behind this poor sonnet is to wax pathetically about their hair for Rush’s is well-toned and expertly lit it is long without looking like a girl’s Young’s is all shadowed and ripples a bit which gives off the illusion of curls I’m sorry that this isn’t in iambic pentameter yeah, I don’t know what’s wrong with me either…
In FoD, he kept them after Malice and fixes them once they find the metal shop, IIRC? I remember that he wears them when he's working sometimes in that story.
Chapter 47 really had me wiping the tears. And you've captured the end of that chapter beautifully. You draw quite well.
Do you think you can do badass Rush from the end of chapter 14 when they are trying to escape form the seedship and the Nakai? Or how about At All Angles in the tunnels - Rush and Greer?
Oh absolutely lovely! And exactly the way my eye pictured it, so extra fun for me :D I came across your LJ looking for SGU icons - shoulda known you'd be an FOD fan as well! I can't draw, so my FOD homage is in the form of fic-of-a-fic story. YOURS IS PRETTIER :D Have you done others? I'll have to take a look around!
Thanks, I'm glad you like it! Force over Distance was my LIFE for a substantial portion of last year (and a good bit of this year as well). It's one of those fics that just takes on a life of its own. And even has its own fanfic! *bookmarks your fic for further perusal*
I haven't drawn any more FoD fan art of my own, but I have a couple of SGU pics up on my tumblr - here and here.
Comments 19
You can find a story on fanfiction.net
granted to us mortals by cleanwhiteroom
and on tumblr, you can find some fanart of it
painstakingly crafted by coattailsofdoom
now, this fanart has amazing components
you will find some great shading there
but the purpose behind this poor sonnet
is to wax pathetically about their hair
for Rush’s is well-toned and expertly lit
it is long without looking like a girl’s
Young’s is all shadowed and ripples a bit
which gives off the illusion of curls
I’m sorry that this isn’t in iambic pentameter
yeah, I don’t know what’s wrong with me either…
Do you think you can do badass Rush from the end of chapter 14 when they are trying to escape form the seedship and the Nakai? Or how about At All Angles in the tunnels - Rush and Greer?
Regardless, this is a terrific piece of work.
I've thought about illustrating other scenes from FoD; might do one of those ones. Action scenes aren't really my forté, but we will see! :)
I haven't drawn any more FoD fan art of my own, but I have a couple of SGU pics up on my tumblr - here and here.
*headdesks thoroughly*
Of course :D I'm sorry, I suck at context shifts :P "This website over here is a different REALITY than this website over here " :D
FoD has thoroughly taken over my life even though I only found it a few months ago. It's....just that big. That. Big.
(hope you enjoy the fic :D)
Do you have a tumblr?
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