Title: Deep Trouble Author(s): roeskva Artist(s): xenharmonica Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1 Pairings: Sam/Jolinar/Martouf/Lantash Artist's Notes: For stargate_summer. Thanks for being so patient with me, Roeskva!
Title: Phoenix Author(s): openended Artist(s): xenharmonica Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1 Pairings: Sam/Jack, Sam/Daniel/Teal'c Artist's Notes: Art for stargate_summer Big Bang 2012! For the wonderful openended, who was so patient with me while I've been trying to get my act together and get my artwork done.
Title: "And what's work, anyway?" Fandom: Stargate Universe Characters: Nicholas Rush, Everett Young Pairing: Young/Rush Warnings: Spoilers for chapter 47 of FoD, I guess?