Devil Ride 7/?

Oct 22, 2010 23:46

Title: Devil Ride
Author: xenalvr
Fandom: Guiding Light
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Rating: NC-17
Warnings and Disclaimers: This AU story contains adult themes and language, and deals with the sex industry, which might not be to everyone's taste, so please do NOT proceed if you are not of age or if any of that might offend you. It is rated NC-17.

All characters from Guiding Light do not belong to me. All the other characters do, however, so please leave them alone. This story is set in an alternate universe, where Natalia Rivera's history and timeline are greatly altered. Most of Olivia Spencer's history remain intact at this point.

I've decided not to worry too much about pre-Otalia plotline discrepancy as this is an AU after all.


Natalia slung her jacket over the back of one of the armchairs. Even though she hadn't done much, she felt like she needed a shower. Since that wasn't going to happen, she settled for gathering her hair into a ponytail and giving her face and neck a quick splash of water. Her mind raced as she prepared a drink for Olivia and herself; whether she liked it or not, she was in this--for the moment anyway.

She glanced over at Olivia, who was staring out of the window with unseeing eyes and her heart went out to the woman. It didn't matter that she knew next to nothing about her. She understood how scary it was to be at the mercy of an unknown entity. You couldn't strike out if you couldn't see where your enemy was. The person who was doing this to Olivia was a malicious coward with resources. The combination made him deadly.

"Here," she said, walking over to Olivia and handing her a drink. She smirked at the surprise on the woman's face after she took a sip of it. "I thought you deserved a strong hit."

"Thank you."

Natalia retreated from Olivia and went to sit on the couch. She took a sip from her own glass and allowed the silence to stretch between them. The sound of rain was soothing. Natalia idly wondered if the city would ever be dry again.

"We have a daughter together." Olivia's sombre voice drew Natalia's eyes to her. "He's taken her before so when I thought he's back, I panicked. I've taken her somewhere safe so I can... deal with this without putting her in harm's way." Natalia watched Olivia walk over to the armchair next to the couch. "I'm not sure what to do next but as long as Emma's safe, I..." Olivia shook her head and took a breath. "I don't want to run or hide. In fact, I was planning to face this head on. But I'm not sure how."

When Olivia fell silent, Natalia asked, "Have you gone to the police?"

Olivia snorted. "Springfield's finest don't really live up to their reputation, if you what I mean."

Natalia nodded. Her own experiences with the police have been dismal but she wasn't exactly perceived as a morally upright citizen. "Does he have family? Have you approached them?"

"The old adage is true: the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree," was all Olivia had to say about that.

Natalia blew out a breath. "You're fighting a ghost, aren't you?" she asked, not really expecting an answer. If Olivia didn't know who the person was and what their intent was, how could she even begin to plan a line of attack? "Do you think your life is in danger?" she asked bluntly.

Olivia shook her head. "I have no idea. He's been gone so long... we thought he was dead at one point but..." She shrugged. "I don't know if his mental condition's gotten worse. I can only prepare for the worst."

"He wants you to know that he's around. If he wanted your life, he wouldn't bother alerting you to his presence by leaving you those photos," Natalia deduced, tapping her lower lip with a finger. "So that means he wants something else from you. He is definitely trying to scare you... to flaunt his power, almost." She bit her lower lip, her mind racing. "Since you're not a hundred percent sure that this stalker is your ex, let's presume that it could be anyone. What do you have that someone wants, apart from your daughter? Something that this person can get if you're scared."

Even as the words spilled out from her, Natalia heard how far-fetched her logic sounded. But the inscrutable look that Olivia gave her said that she might have stumbled on something.

"Actually, you are describing someone I know quite perfectly."

The stillness in Olivia's voice sent a shiver down Natalia's spine. Outside, lightning flashed.


After their conversation and a few more strong martinis, Natalia wasn't sure she could make her way home in the unrelenting rain. Olivia had spent a long time in the bedroom on her cell; Natalia could hear her clipped, authoritative voice presumably giving out orders. The woman's determination and strength seemed renewed, and for what it was worth, Natalia was glad.

"I forgot to feed you."

Natalia looked up at Olivia's rueful declaration and smiled, amused. "I'm old enough to feed myself, but thanks for the thought." Her eyes followed Olivia's trek into the room. "I'll get out of your hair in a bit. I just wanted to wait till my head clears a little from all that martini," she said. The hours had slipped by unnoticed. It was already late afternoon and her stomach rumbled noisily at the mention of food.

"I'd offer to take you to an early dinner but I don't really want the stalker photographer to take anymore photos of us together, so I'm afraid you'll have to settle for room service," Olivia said regretfully, handing Natalia a menu. She must have seen Natalia's hesitation, for she added, "Please, it's the least I could do for your amazing skills..." Natalia lifted a brow saucily at that. "... of deduction," Olivia finished wryly.

Natalia was sure Olivia had caught her innuendo and she smiled to herself. "People usually rave about other skills I have, but I'm not complaining," she said teasingly, then crossed one booted leg over the other, lowering her eyes and curving her lips to give Olivia a suggestive look.

It felt a little inappropriate to be flirting with Olivia after the kind of afternoon the woman had but Natalia couldn't help herself, especially after all those drinks. Olivia looked really hot when she lifted her brow pointedly, Natalia decided when one of those looks was directed at her. The combination of that and the alcohol coursing through her system made her feel a little heady.

"And you're welcome to stay the night if you want," Olivia offered without further acknowledgement of Natalia's comment. "I've got some clean clothes to spare if you like."

"Food, clothes, bed..." Natalia said coyly, ticking the items off the fingers on one hand. "What else can you offer me?"

At Olivia's sudden darkening of expression, Natalia's smile faltered. She swallowed when Olivia came towards her with an air of menace and her legs uncrossed of their own volition, ready to take flight if her choice of words had touched some nerve. She felt her heartrate speed up when Olivia braced herself with her hands on either side of her face and leaned in close, stopping only when their noses were an inch apart.

"You play the seduction game well," Olivia said in a low, velvet voice, sending a thrill of desire through Natalia when her mind registered the words, "But make no mistake. I wrote the book on it."

Natalia's breath caught when Olivia moved her face forward and sideways slowly, stirring the fine hairs on Natalia's face with the static her movement caused. She could feel slanted eyes on her as Olivia moved her head, careful not to make any contact. Olivia's lips were parted; she appeared to be taking her time to breathe in every square inch of Natalia's skin.

Natalia could smell Olivia's perfume, a scent that she was becoming familiar with, and her eyes fluttered shut briefly. Then an intentional whimper spilled from Olivia's lips while they were next to her ear and Natalia's eyes flew open. She shuddered in response. But before she could turn her face to capture the enticing lips with her own, Olivia pulled away as abruptly as she had leaned close.

"So, I'm thinking a nice cut of steak. What about you?" Olivia's voice was casual as she sauntered over to the telephone, throwing an innocent, questioning look over her shoulder as she did so.

Natalia let out a shaky breath and told herself to keep on breathing.


guiding light

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