Devil Ride 8/?

Oct 23, 2010 17:14

Title: Devil Ride
Author: xenalvr
Fandom: Guiding Light
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Rating: NC-17
Warnings and Disclaimers: This AU story contains adult themes and language, and deals with the sex industry, which might not be to everyone's taste, so please do NOT proceed if you are not of age or if any of that might offend you. It is rated NC-17.

All characters from Guiding Light do not belong to me. All the other characters do, however, so please leave them alone. This story is set in an alternate universe, where Natalia Rivera's history and timeline are greatly altered. Most of Olivia Spencer's history remain intact at this point.

I've decided not to worry too much about pre-Otalia plotline discrepancy as this is an AU after all.


By the time dinner arrived, the skies had darkened. Olivia went into the bedroom and threw open the wardrobe, scrutinising her very limited options; she wanted to look nice. She frowned at an unexpected flutter of anticipation in her stomach. The entire situation was foreign to her: having a woman in her bed, her physical reactions to a woman, the inclination to impress a woman. She had never given it much thought--or rather, she never had the need to give it any thought--but now she wondered at how different it felt to be with a woman.

An odd sort of friendship had sprung up between them in the short amount of time they had spent together. Natalia had given her the support no one back home had even offered, not that she had thought to ask. Instead of shrugging Olivia's problems off as none of her business, Natalia had walked her through the situation and had given her a fresh perspective. Her ability to keep a cool, rational head while Olivia was emotionally charged was impressive. A lesser person would have either been caught up in the whirlwind of emotions and retaliated, or walked away.

Secured by the knowledge that Emma was safe with Sam and having set some things in motion on her end of things to tackle her stalker ex problem, Olivia felt relaxed enough to shelf reality for the night and enjoy Natalia's company. While there was no question about the chemistry that existed between them, Olivia found the uncertainty of how both Natalia and herself would want the night to end an aphrodisiac.

Not having a big range of choices, Olivia settled on a white figure-hugging top with a plunging neckline to wear with her jeans. She put on a pair of silver hooped earrings, touched up her make-up, and fixed her hair so that it fell to one side of her face, exposing her throat and neck. Then she dabbed her wrists with perfume, gave her reflection one last appraisal and left the bedroom before Natalia exited the bathroom.

Olivia had just finished pouring herself a glass of red wine when she heard a clearing of throat behind her. Turning, Olivia saw Natalia standing there in a black tank top and capri pants that were a little big for her, looking apprehensive. She supposed the 'dimmed light, soft music, dinner laid out on a table that afforded the rain-blurred view of Chicago city's nightline' setting could be a little unnerving.


She watched Natalia come to a decision and approach her.

"What's all this?" Natalia asked, taking the glass from Olivia.

"Dinner, as promised," Olivia said with a nonchalant shrug.

Natalia's face held a bland expression when she said, "It looks... really nice"

Olivia wondered when was the last time someone did something nice for this woman without an agenda--hidden or not. "It's just dinner, Natalia. I don't expect anything at the end of it. I thought it'd be nice to make it a date but we don't have to if you're not comfortable." She waited for Natalia to say something but Natalia set her glass down on the table and went to pull out a chair silently. Olivia sighed, feeling a tad disappointed.


Olivia's eyes flickered up at the word. Then she smiled when she realised that Natalia was pulling the chair out for her. She slid into it gracefully. She watched Natalia make her way to the seat across from her.

"I haven't been on a date in ages," Natalia said when she sat herself down. She raised her wine glass to her nose and gave it a tentative sniff. "And I can't remember the last time I drank wine out of a glass," she said, sounding a little wistful. The expression was quickly erased when she lifted her eyes to Olivia's, warming her with a smile.

Olivia found herself at a loss for words. She busied herself with lifting the cloches from their plates and setting them on the floor under the table. "Looks good," she commented about the nicely presented dish before her.

"Sure does."

Olivia raised her eyes to find Natalia staring at her from across the table and lifted a brow reflexively. "You are such a flirt."

Natalia cut into her steak and brought a morsel of it to her lips. "An honest one," she replied, looking unrepentant.

Olivia couldn't help the grudging smile that crept onto her face.


guiding light

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