Title: Not Like a Thunderbolt
stillandstormType: Slash, Romance, AU
Word Count: ~35,000
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Kurt/Finn, Burt/Carole, references to Kurt/Blaine and Finn/Rachel
Warnings: Sexual content, occasional strong language, pseudo-incest
Summary: Falling in love with his stepbrother is not like anything Finn’s ever seen in a movie. It’s confusing and life-altering, and between Burt, Blaine, and burnt crêpes, Finn doesn’t know up from down anymore. He does his best to make sense of it all, but in the end he really only knows two things: Kurt is amazing and Finn wants him.
Notes: This fic is an AU in that Kurt and Blaine never got together, so Blaine never transferred to McKinley. Any other differences to canon will be given in the fic. It is set in the second half of S3/the second semester of Finn and Kurt's Senior Year. Written for 2012
It takes a village: I have so many people to thank for their help and support (and tolerance of my creys) while writing this fic. If I explained them all, the thanks would be as long at the fic itself, so I'll be brief.
epanaphoric, for the amazing beta job, the support, and the general enthusiasm
morgana_hallow, for beta-ing despite being crazy busy
ladydreamer, for believing in me and bailing me out whenever I started to sink
lizajaneok, for wading through endless screencaps
aoitsukikage, for use of her wonder screencaps
and finally,
stillandstorm, for being a patient, flexible, lovely artist and person
Check out
stillandstorm's Art Masterpost
here. Go give her some love, you guys!
And check out the gorgeous
bonus art #1 by
starsandgutters (or
andthestarsaregone on tumblr) and the cheeky
bonus art #2 by
To the fic:
Part OnePart TwoPart ThreePart Four