So basically i quit smoking it's been like a week it's going pretty.......ahhh hell i'm not gonna lie i wanna smoke but i'm not gotta stay strong
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ok so this weekend i will be getting my eyebrow pierced and will be buying some new cloth throwing away all the tight ass shirts and shit...Also im getting a tatto of my hamsters face on my arm pretty soon..God imma be so sweet.
Well i was reading lj's and i saw ppl posting picture of a sandalwood hottie that use to be anottie well guys a found another one GUESS WHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day one went very well.....Its not seeming as hard as i thought......I just focus on what i really wanna do and when i feel like i need it or want it i just joke about it.
I hate when i don't know what to think about stuff i have so many questions running through my mind to ask someone right now like why they act the way they do and all this other stuff they do that just make my mind goes crazy with thoughts..I really hate today..