Man, this show was intense. I've never been that packed in before for so long and I've been to a lot of concerts. Why do people think thats fun? I screamed like a banshee when the Great Destroyer came on. I loved how he finger-played with the synth. Hot. Anyway, you know how does the photoblog? I'm behind the guy in the yellow hat! I wanted to be seen, damnit.
You definitely have to check them out again.
I pretty much have a book of the 3 shows I went to. I have reasons for not making them friends only, but we pretty much experienced the same show.
Stalking is welcome! It was fucking ballistic when everyone rushed in. TGD is my favorite song off that album... i got a great video of him playing with that instrument- whatever it was.
Mine too - and welcome to my LJ :-P If you read your friends pages, be prepared to do a lot of scrolling. I write books :-/
I'm not going to a lot of shows either - except one this weekend, and then thats about it. Guess bands don't tour in the cold. That, and I'm currently poor. Thank goodness all the amazing acts got the touring out of the way while I had money.
You know.. I just don't know how many more times I need to see: 30 STM, Evanescence, Korn, Coldplay, MSI, Deftones, Dir en grey (uuggh they're in Boston on the 12th!!) and every other band I've seen over 2x. I just can't afford it anymore, so I'm done for a long time. If NIN comes around anytime soon, I'll definitely see them again, because this was my first time and so not my last. But for now, i've spent thousands on concerts over the last few years.. time to start prioritizing :(
Comments 8
Trent is a very nice guy. He was actually soft-spoken when I met him. He autographed my concert ticket. I have to find it and post it here on LJ!
Man, this show was intense. I've never been that packed in before for so long and I've been to a lot of concerts. Why do people think thats fun? I screamed like a banshee when the Great Destroyer came on. I loved how he finger-played with the synth. Hot. Anyway, you know how does the photoblog? I'm behind the guy in the yellow hat! I wanted to be seen, damnit.
You definitely have to check them out again.
I pretty much have a book of the 3 shows I went to. I have reasons for not making them friends only, but we pretty much experienced the same show.
I'm not going to a lot of shows either - except one this weekend, and then thats about it. Guess bands don't tour in the cold. That, and I'm currently poor. Thank goodness all the amazing acts got the touring out of the way while I had money.
How's your dad?
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