§1 Heat of the kitchen [REBOOT]

Mar 10, 2012 22:31

Title: §1 Heat of the kitchen [originally aired November 17, 2011]
Collection: Heat of Hawaii
Author: xcsimisiax
Fandom: Hawaii Five-0
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Danny {but other characters regularly appear}
Notes: It's a reboot of my orginal story, it's time for changes.
Summary: "And who's the animal now, huh?" [Steve to Danny]
Content of Note: Passionate kissing and touching involved, slash
Warinings: Hmmm english isn't my mother language, so remember about this, okay? lol
Rating: r
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't own'em, just borrowed'em to play with. No infringement is intended.

Steve stood on The Waikiki Beach and tried to catch his breath. He just came out the ocean, his hair was still damp and his wet skin simple shined in the Hawaiian sun. Steve rubbed his cheeks with laugh, shook his head and then water drops from his hair fell down onto his arms and chest, some of them ended on the sand either. Steve looked back over the water and relaxed smile lighted his eyes. Just few minutes before he showed up on the shore, he was over the ocean and flew on his surf board, the same way like his partner was doing this at that moment. Steve leant on his board and a goofy smile reached his handsome face. Danny made the same trick on his surf board again, but this time, he didn't end into the water. Steve could hear, even on the place where he's standing, how Danny laughed out loud. His partner, a haole cop from New Jersey, was a real pain in his ass, but at the same time, he was also his best friend.

Steve felt like a pride fulfilled his heart and became a reason, why he felt that familiar sensation on down part of his stomach. An excitement. This feeling didn't come out from nowhere. Officially Danny was just his co-worker and a true friend, after more than year, they knew each other inside out. But truth was that Danny stopped being only his best friend since months now. Steve couldn't explain this, how that happened and what did that mean. But still, he felt something to Danny, and that something scared him to death and made him the happiest man all over the world, at the same time. Steve was in love, no matter if he wanted to admit that fact or tried to deny it.

Steve was an ex-SEAL. More than year back, he returned on the island and stayed there, as a leader of a special task force named Five-0. Reason why it happened, was a fact, that Steve's father was murdered, and he decided to find a person or people, who was responsible for that crime. Danny and Steve met for the first time in Steve's old house, right after John's funeral. Steve just came back home, for the first time, since he left that place, as a 16 years old boy. Before Danny, who investigated Steve’s father’s death, showed up on 2424 Piikoi Street too, Steve started his private investigation there. He checked whole house, trying to find some useful evidences on his own, but he spent this time also on reminding himself about his past, and this, what he lost, when he left that place about 19 years ago. When Danny found Steve in the garage, with a red tool box in his hand, they both got the same thought at the same time; that they’re completely jerks and cuz of that neither of them passed this up easily.

Right after they both started to yell at each other, and threats with warnings fulfilled that small space, coming back to them with double force, Steve got that annoying thought, that this blonde haole really wouldn’t back off. And somehow it amused him, as much as it pissed him off. Danny wasn't only the biggest pain in his ass, but he became also a reason, why Steve decided to take a job as leader of Five-0. Right after they showed each other their IDs/BADGEs like a count on three, Steve made a call to Governor of Hawaii and that phone talk changed his destiny for ever.

There's really something about that cop, who just shouted at him, and at the same time pointed his gun at Steve's face without a blink. Steve couldn't figure out back then, what this was about, but he felt, deeply into his guts, that it's just a beginning of something much bigger. That was also the reason, why Steve asked Governor Jameson for Danny’s draft to Five-0. If Governor wanted to have Steve as a leader of that special unit, she had to deal with one, undoubted fact, that Steve was willing to help State of Hawaii, but he expected to get everything, what he wanted in a return. Without a discussion. That deal was truly a simple one. Steve could protect people of Hawaii in best possible way, but only if he could do this on his own way, with full immunity as a backup. Besides Steve also demanded a full independence with choice about his co-workers. And truth was that he got everything, what he wanted. Including also detective Danny Williams, former cop of New Jersey, and a current cop of The State of Hawaii.

Steve, even at this moment now, when he’s just standing on the shore and staring at Danny on his surf board with a big goofy smile on his face, he still could feel the same excitement and amusement, what he felt back then, when he found Danny in his miserable apartment, and told him about his new job. “You got no choice detective. The governor gave me a jurisdiction. I’m making you my partner. We’re going to get along great.”  Truth was that Steve never regretted his decision. Actually, it was one of the best of his whole life. Now, more than year after, he knew one thing for sure, he could survive everything what happened to him, since he backed to Hawaii, only because he had Danny by his side, Danny and the rest of Five-0, Kono Kalakaua and Chin Ho Kelly. His team, but at the same time also his Ohana, best friends who became also his real family, always had his back, and always stood for him up. But with time, Steve realized that only Danny was the reason why he never gave up, and why he still kept on fighting, without a second thought or any kind of hesitation. The only one, sad truth about this fact was, that Danny never found out, how much Steve owned him, and how much Danny meant for him. Steve got this thought and sighed big. He squinted his eyes cuz of sunlight and rubbed his hair, what became almost dry. The same like his tanned skin. But it wasn't a big surprised, in temperature like the ninety-five degree it was just a question of minutes.

“Steve!” Danny yelled at him and waved his left hand. “What's the matter with you, man?! Are you going to sleep with open eyes there or what?”
“Give me a moment, Danno! I need to catch my breath!” Steve shouted back and waved his hand too.
“Yeah, right, what's happened with your form, SEAL?! Maybe you should try to eat some donut, huh?!” Danny asked and burst in laughing when he saw, how Steve kicked the sand. But he couldn't see that, when Steve bowed his head, a smile from ear to ear showed up on his face.
“Oh yeah sure, just tell this loud Jersey, that you want me there, just do it, damn it...” Steve whispered under his nose, but when he looked back at Danny, he kept cool, like nothing happened. Danny couldn’t see how Steve’s eyes still shined.

Steve always thought that Danny just lied, when he told him once, that he could swim actually very well, but for some reason he chose not to. They never backed to this talk again, but then, almost a year later, something like two weeks after Steve escaped from Halawa, the jail, where he found himself, after he was accused of murder of Governor Jameson, Steve spotted Danny on the Waikiki Beach, and he simple couldn't believe in this, what he saw. Danny not only swam, but he was also a hell of the surfer. Steve still remembered how he just stood there, in the middle of the shore, and simple stared at Danny, admiring the view in front of his eyes. Even now, three months later, he reminded himself, how sexy Danny looked back then. It was the first time when Steve could see Danny shirtless. His hair was damp and shined in Hawaiian sun. Danny’s tanned, wet body reflected sunlight like some kind of human light. Steve smirked, when he got that thought and again glanced at Danny. Now, after he teased Steve, Danny just jumped back on his board and at that moment, he’s trying to find best way to catch the wave, a truly big one.

Steve scanned the shore around them, checked people up and when he didn’t notice something alarming, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. Under his eyelids, he could see again Danny, who's dressed only in his blue shorts, which fit simple fine to his firm ass. It was also the first time, when Steve felt, that familiar now, sensation inside his guts, an excitement. He realized that he started to look at Danny, in the way, like he never supposed to do, but before he could even think about this, Danny noticed his presence. He swam on his board to the shore and then ran to Steve. He didn’t even try to say something, cuz Danny started to yell at him and wave his hands, like he always did, when he was pissed off. Steve, when Danny took a break to catch a breath, started to try explaining himself.

“A stalker?! Danny, are you out of your mind?!” Steve asked and on his forehead showed up two crossed wrinkles.
“I know you Steven, so don’t make a fool of yourself! You just have to do this, right?! You couldn’t bear that I hide something from you, like with this damn salad 2 months back! I have no idea how the hell you figured out this but… What’s the matter with you anyway, Steven?!” Steve remembered how Danny’s face became a red one in just a second.
“Back off, man, seriously, you’re out of your mind! I’m not damn stalker, peeper, whatever! It’s a public shore! And I can come here, and I can surf whenever I want to, damn it! How the hell I could know that I would find you here?! I’m not fucking psychic, Danno!” Steve, even now, felt like madness fulfilled his mind, but excitement ran down to his loins, when Danny came closer and put his warm palms on his chest.
“Back off?! Psychic?! Screw you, Steven!” Danny yelled and pushed him back.
“Hey, hey, hey, man, why you’re so angry anyway?!” Steve asked confused and looked down on Danny’s hands on his bare chest.
“Because I’m an angry person, McGarrett! Didn’t you notice this till now?!” Danny asked and Steve felt like anger simple radiated from Danny. But still, even he was mad and acted like a jerk, Steve’s heart squeezed and made a somersault, what confused him even more than Danny’s behavior.

Steve just pushed Danny’s right arm, the way that Danny almost fell down on his ass, and with devil smile, he ran to the ocean without looking back, he was sure that Danny would join him right away. Even Danny was truly surprised and also pissed off at the beginning, that Steve found out his little secret, he had to admit to himself that the real reason, why he was that mad, had beginning in his shorts. When Danny realized that Steve’s on the shore and observing him, he almost fell down from his board. Chance to see Steve shirtless and staring at him, simple kicked Danny out of his feet. When he joined Steve on the shore, he yelled and waved his hands mostly, cuz he wanted to cover a fact, that he became a rock hard and his shorts started to look smaller, than they really were. When he put his hands on Steve’s chest, he almost hissed cuz his loins fulfilled a familiar bittersweet pain. He wanted Steve. And it scared him completely. Danny didn’t hesitate any longer, he grabbed his own surf board and ran after Steve.

Even no one of them wanted to admit this, they both really had a lot of fun together, and since then, every time when they didn't have to start a day at the crime scene or on the Headquarter, they always began their mornings together on the shore. Somehow, without even making a special deal about that, they didn't say a word about these mornings over the ocean to anyone. Even to Kono and Chin.

Steve was starving and he truly needed his morning dose of caffeine, so he took his board and walked slowly to the water.
“Danny!” He shouted and smiled backed on his lips, when he saw how Danny fell from the board.
“Steve! Are you out of your mind!? You want to kill me or what?! Animal!” Danny yelled back and smoothed his hair impatiently. Steve for a moment forgot how to breathe. “That's insane!” He got this thought when he felt like rock hard he became in one minute.
“God, that's simple insane!” Steve hissed when he walked into the water. Warmness of the ocean fulfilled his whole body, when he joined to Danny.
“I'm sorry man, seriously, I'm sincerely sorry.” Steve tried to be serious but he gave up on it and just burst in laughing. “So can we back home now, huh? I really need my dose of caffeine, besides I'm pretty sure you're hungry like hell, so...”
“Why do you think that I'm hungry, huh, Steven?” Danny asked and slowly pulled apart water by his fingers on both sides of the board.
“Why the hell his ass has to look so freaking good dressed in that damn red shorts?!” Steve got that thought and brushed his short, dark hair. His hand shook a little bit so he put it to the water, he truly didn't want to show Danny, not only his erection but also shaking hands.
“Cuz you're always hungry, bro!” Steve burst in laughing again and Danny joined to him this time. “Besides if we'll back now, I promise, I'd pick you up to the Leonard's Bakery for your favorite Masaladas.” Steve said and a big goofy smile reached his face and eyes, when he saw how Danny smiled with closed eyes, when he heard about his favorite sweets.
“That sounds like a good deal, SEAL. Deal-SEAL, yeah sounds good to me, so move your ass and come on, cuz now when we started to talk about this, I really feel hungry.” Danny roared and swam on the board to the edge of the shore.
“And who's the animal now, huh?!” Steve smirked and followed Danny. Somehow he couldn't stop stare on his ass. “Damn it!” Steve sighed and set his teeth.

After they get out of the water, they slowly walked to Steve’s car. Before Steve could even blink his eyes, Danny already left his board in the trunk of Steve’s Silverado and sat on passenger seat, tapping his knees by fingers totally impatiently.
“Seriously? Steven? Why can’t you just move your ass, and come here? You mentioned about food, now I'm badly hungry, just really, thank you very much!" Danny yelled and looked through the window on Steve, who still was standing on the back of the car. "And you know, how big pain in the ass I can be, when I’m hungry, don’t you, huh?” Danny yelled again and his voice fulfilled restlessness.
“Oh shut up, Danny! Yeah, sure, cuz you’re this damn fast one, right!? You jumped to the car but of course you just couldn’t put your damn board on the damn, right place, could you?” Steve asked and sighed big. Like always Danny didn’t care much about his sense of order, even he knew very well, that Steve was a devoted precisian.
“Get wise McGarrett! You really could take this damn stick out from your Navy ass time to time and just enjoy your life, at least you could try, you know?” Danny asked and bit his down lip. He could even imagine how two crossed wrinkles showed up on Steve’s forehead, when he’s processing Danny’s words. Danny closed his eyes and view of Steve’s face simple popped in front of his eyes, just under his eyelids.
“I have become accustomed to doing things a certain way!” Steve shouted and banged the hatchback. When he jumped inside the truck, Danny just eyed him up and down and shrugged his shoulders.
“Yeah, I know, and your way, your way is completely insane! It’s just nuts! Is this really matter anyway, how the hell I’ll put my damn board into your damn trunk, Steven?” Danny asked and held his breath. He thought that view of Steve’s bare chest wouldn’t bug him, it wasn’t a first time when he saw his partner shirtless, but somehow, he felt like air slipped out of the Silverado, when Steve slammed the door and set in a motion.

“Breath, Danny, just breath…” It was the only one thought, what Danny kept in his mind during their way home. They didn’t speak much, cuz both of them lost themselves in their thoughts, but if they could read each other minds, they would realize, that they thought about the same. They both felt that something was wrong with temperature inside the car and neither of them had some idea, what they could do about that, besides jumping on each other and following their lust. When Steve stopped the car on the driveway of Leonard’s Bakery, Danny just eyed him up and down again and said with a goofy smile.

“Don’t you dare to move your ass, I’m going to grab these Masaladas!”
“And you will make it, because?” Steve asked and focused his look on Danny’s pants. “Stop doing this McGarrett, just stop!” He almost could hear his inside voice, and for a moment he lost it, wasn’t even sure if he missed something, what Danny said or not.
“… and I’m not going to wait here forever!” Danny ended his sentence and walked inside the bakery. Steve was almost sure that through his clouded mind, he noticed “bare chest” and “drooling women”, but he didn’t have any idea, what the hell Danny meant by this. He stayed in the car and felt how warmness from outside came inside the car and took his ability to breath with full lungs. Something wasn’t right for sure, and Steve became more and more nervous about that, and sweaty. It’s not like he never was excited around Danny before, but for some reason he was almost sure, that Danny felt exactly the same. He almost could feel that running lust and testosterone, what radiated from Danny, like some neon “TAKE ME”.
“God, I think I’m really out of my mind!” Steve got this thought, when he saw, how Danny walked back the car with a big bag from the bakery in his hand.
“Did-did you buy everything what they have there?” Steve asked and glanced at Danny with tiny smile on his lips. He felt how his hands became sweaty in one minute, when air fulfilled smell of donuts-some sweets and Danny’s cologne.
“And even if I’d do this, so what? It’s a free country, Steven!” Danny said, and a big carefree smile reached his face and eyes, when he smelled with a pleasure the familiar flavor of Masaladas.
“Do you realize how much of your life revolves around food?” Steve asked and backed on the way home, Silverado gathered speed and Steve rested his elbow on the open window.
“Do you realize how much of your life revolves around armed conflict?” Danny asked back and mimicked his move, his right elbow ended the same way like Steve’s left one, just on opposite open window. Steve smiled as an answer and with Bon Jovi singing about “Living’ on the prayer” guys backed home in less than ten minutes.

This was another morning when Danny didn’t have to back to his own flat and could eat breakfast with Steve. Danny lost his own place and now he was some kind of half-homeless. That “half” was really matter in that case, cuz if Danny didn’t slept in some cheap motel room, he ended his days at Steve’s couch. They didn’t even speak about this, that just happened a week before, when they spent an evening on drinking whiskey and bitching about new Governor. Since Jameson was killed by Wo Fat, the man who’s also responsible more or less of Steve’s parents death, Five-0 had to deal with new one, and new Governor wasn’t an easy one to work with at all.

After they walked through the door, Steve directed himself to the kitchen, he was truly hungry and he needed his dose of caffeine immediately. He still had a hope that, when he would feel it in his bloodstream, his hands would stop shake and his heart would stop beat that rapidly. At least that’s what he kept telling himself whole way home. Danny didn’t bother himself to help Steve, he just ran upstairs and found himself under the hot shower in less than 3 minutes. Steve needed caffeine, Danny needed his dose of hot water lashing his burning skin. Besides a shower was the only one way to calm himself down, and to hide his feelings from Steve’s eyes. Whole way home he could only think about this, that his loins one day would just kill him in that slow, painful way, if he wouldn’t do something about that finally. Danny closed his eyes, when water fell down on his face and chest, and when he did this, Steve’s face immediately backed to his mind. Without second thought Danny’s hand slipped down from his chest and sensitive skin on his stomach and ended between his legs. It wasn’t a first time, and probably it wouldn’t be the last.

Steve hummed under his nose and sipped his Italian coffee with a pleasure. Before he swallowed a draft, for a moment he just enjoyed the taste on his tongue, like people used to do this with a wine, and women mostly with a chocolate. Steve smiled, when he heard, how Danny slammed the bathroom’s door. He could even see, how he smoothed his hair impatiently, and of course his hair was wet and drops of water fell down on his shirt and shorts, and marked his path, with every single move of his body. Before Danny showed up downstairs, Steve got a thought that he should call to Joe, a man who longer than a half of Steve’s life, was more like a father for him, than just friend of family. Joe was a best friend of Steve’s father, John, and when John had to send away his kids, after Steve’s mother died in a car accident, Joe took care of Steve.

Now, years after, Steve knew exactly, why his father did, what he did, and that his mother’s accident, never was the accident at all. It was a murder. The same like it happened with John. Even Steve lost both of his parents, thanked to Joe, he never was alone. Steve had also a sister, Mary Ann, who lived, since they saw each other for the last time back then, in Los Angeles. Mary came back on the island after John’s funeral, she stayed there for a while, but after things became more complicated and Steve had to focus on his fight with Hiro Noshimuri, a man who like Steve figured out later, was a close co-worker of Wo Fat, Mary backed to LA. Steve still missed her, and every time he thought about his “little sister”, his heart simple ached. Steve was aware of a fact, that Mary didn’t have an easy life. She had problems with an alcohol, she also had problems with drugs, she got into troubles more time, than she was out of them. Steve always was this one, who helped her, he always tried to be there for her, as much, as he could, took in consideration a fact, that they lived in two different states. But still he thought that he didn't make enough to protect her, familiar sense of guilty backed to his heart.

Steve rested his firm ass on the cupboard and checked his phone. Five not received calls, four from Governor, and one from Kono. He knew that sooner or later, they really should show up in the Headquarter, but this wasn’t matter at this moment. Not at all. Steve got that thought when he saw, how Danny ran downstairs, and like he guessed before, a water dripped all around him.
“Did you leave at least your dirty clothes into the washer?” Steve asked and a playful smile reached his eyes, his lips little trembled, when he hid his face in a mug of coffee.
“Nah, I left them all on the floor, the same like a wet towel, oh and like always I took your boxers, somehow they fit just perfect on my ass.” Danny said and almost spat his coffee on the table, when he saw look of Steve’s face. 
“No you didn’t…” Steve said with a hesitation. He wasn’t sure if he was more amused or ashamed. Cuz when he imagined Danny’s ass in his boxers he got immediately only one thought: “I’m not going to wash them, not at all.”
“Nah I didn’t, but I could, right? You don’t know day or hour, Babe…” Danny said and smile lighted his face. Then he realized what he exactly said and coughed.
“A fluff maybe?” Steve asked and burst in laughing.
“Oh shut up!” Danny answered and rested his body right next to Steve on the cupboard.

For a moment no one of them said something, they sat like that, arm to arm and enjoyed this calm morning with mugs of coffee and Masaladas. Danny was aware of this, that something changed between the two of them, since Steve found himself in the jail, few months back. It was time, when Danny had to take the biggest decision in his life. And he did this, he didn't back to New Jersey with his ex-wife and little daughter, to start their life all over again. He chose Steve. Sometimes he caught himself on thinking that there wasn't some hesitation even, when he took that decision. He chose Steve, cuz he couldn't even imagine his life without him anymore. Danny had to admit to himself, that he’s in love with his best friend. With a man. That man. And since he opened his eyes at that fact and his heart for that feeling, his life started to look more like some kind of roller-coaster. Sometimes that affection fulfilled his heart with a happiness and gave him a strength to move even a mountain. Sometimes he wanted just forget about this all and pretend, that this feeling wasn't a real one.

But at this moment, in the kitchen of Steve's house, Danny felt as a truly happy man, and enjoyed this feeling to the fullest. He knew, that Steve let him live in his house without special invitation, cuz he was his friend, and there’s nothing, what he wouldn’t do, to help him. Steve proved Danny more than once that he truly had his back, and he always could count on him, in big and small stuffs. Sometimes, especially since Steve escaped from the prison, Danny loved to think, that Steve did some things, because he felt something toward him. But then came days, when Danny felt completely alone with his feelings, when he kept saying to himself that it’s just his imagination and Steve didn’t love him, and for sure didn’t have some idea about Danny’s feelings toward him. Danny wasn’t brave enough to make first move, to finally do something about his feelings, and that was also the reason, why most of the time, he just walked around, totally frustrated and pissed.

“Are you okay?” Steve asked a little bit confused and tiny smile showed up on his lips, when Danny looked at him totally lost in his mind.
“Huh?” He asked and rubbed his face. “Why shouldn't I be? And why you even ask me about this, anyway?” Danny looked at Steve unsure and ashamed, he spent last few minutes on thinking about him, and now he was really nervous, that maybe Steve figured this out.
“Hey, take it easy, Danno! It was just an ask, okay?” Steve answered, and nervous sounded in his voice too. He wasn't sure why, but he felt like an air in the kitchen became a really heavy one. Danny looked like he would want to kick his ass, and Steve truly didn't have any idea, what did he make this time, to make Danny that pissed. He rubbed his face impatiently and then brushed his hair. Danny without a word carefully observed every of his moves and that fact made Steve even more nervous, he squinted his eyes and glanced back at Danny.
„I just asked you, and I did this something like five times already, but I guess you didn't even bother to listen to me, like always by the way...” Steve sighed. He didn't know why exactly he said that much. Something pushed him to do not close his mouth, cuz for some reason, he felt like if he would stop talking, something would happen. And that something scared him. Totally.
“Okay so ask me again, could you? Or is this too much for you, McGruff?” Danny asked and anger showed up in his voice. At least that way he could cover somehow his insecurity and excitement at the same time. Steve just shrugged his shoulders and jumped off the cupboard. Danny felt guilty that maybe he was too mean, especially that he didn't have some rational reason for that, but then he realized that Steve did this, cuz he wanted to wash his mug. “Thank God.” Danny thought and realized that he was staring at Steve's ass. Again.

Steve felt that Danny was observing his moves, so he looked back at him and he caught his glance. For a moment they both felt like time just stopped and some kind of spark jumped between them. Kitchen suddenly started to become too small for the two of them.
“I asked you, if you really want to help Chin today with his Triumph? It's Friday so Gracie has her surf lesson on Kawika's surf camp, right?” Steve asked and put his mug on the dryer.
“Friday? Damn it, wait, I need to call Chin and tell him, that we can't meet today.” Danny slapped his forehead and started to look around, trying to localize his blackberry.
“Hey, bro, take it easy, no need for a panic!” Steve smirked and backed to Danny with a napkin in his hand.
“I can take Gracie to Kawika and then I'll pick her back to Rachel, if you want me.” Danny looked at Steve with wide eyes, a surprise evident. “Okay maybe I'm not such a big fan of your dear ex-wife, but that way I could have at least chance to spend some time with Monkey.” Steve said and he couldn't help, but big smile from ear to ear reached his face and ended into his eyes. Danny just sat there for a moment completely speechless. He knew since beginning how much his kid meant for Steve, but every time he could see this in front of his eyes, his heart just simple melted. Someday Steve would be a perfect father for his own kids, but for now, he was a hell of an uncle for Danny's daughter.

Gracie was his only child, the only reason why he came on that miserable island almost two years ago. She was a sense of his life but, the truth was that since some time, he couldn't fight with that crazy feeling, that he had another reason to be there. That 'Reason' stood now in front of his face and looked at him with a playful smile.
“Can I get this napkin finally?” Danny hissed and he squinted his eyes, like he always did, especially when he played for a time or he didn't know what he should say. “And seriously, if you have other plans, I'll call Chin and...”
“Danny, please, just stop, okay? Don't even start with me again, I told you that's not a big deal, so why you act like that? I'll take care of Gracie...” Steve said and twisted his head, Danny's shirt was full of crumbs and it made him smile, even Danny started to irritate him a little bit.
“What's that look anyway, huh? What, they teach you how not to spill in the Army?” Danny asked and tried to brush crumbs from his shirt.
“It's The Navy, okay? The Navy, and seriously, after more than year you could finally get this anyway...” Steve said and sighed big. Without even thinking about this what he's doing he tried to help Danny cleaning his shirt and then suddenly their hands touched. And then it happened. Steve put his hand on Danny's shirt over his heart and he felt this. Danny's heart was beating like crazy and when he moved his head up, he saw Danny's slightly open mouth and he felt Danny's warm breath on his left cheek. Without even thinking about what he was doing, Steve moved closer to the cupboard and somehow, he found himself exactly between Danny's legs. They both all this time looked straight into each other eyes, like they would be simple connected by them, neither of them even blinked.

Everything was like in a slow motion, like they would move in some kind of fog. Steve, without breaking the look, slowly took Danny's face into his palms, their warmness almost scorched Danny alive, when he felt Steve's touch on his skin. Steve slowly brushed Danny's cheeks and for a moment he broke their eye connection and moved his eyes down, on Danny's lips. Steve could feel how Danny was trembling under his touch, he heard how heavy Danny's breath became, and for some reason it made him feel really good. Warmness from his palms on Danny's cheeks spread down his spine and ended into his loins. He felt like rock hard he became only, cuz he touched Danny, he couldn't even imagine what could happen, if he would do something more. He lost himself in a sound of Danny's breathing for a moment and cuz of that, he stared a little bit too long at Danny's lips. Crumb of Masaladas still was there, in the right corner of Danny's mouth and before Danny could even say something, or stop Steve, he leant over Danny and he licked slowly that crumb up. Steve felt how Danny trembled, his warm breath almost left a burnt mark on Steve's left cheek. They both started to shake a little bit, their breaths became husky, when Steve slowly moved his body closer to Danny. Even he put his hands on Steve's arms, it didn't stop Steve, there's nothing what could push him to take a step back.

Steve again leant over Danny's face and licked Danny's down lip and then grabbed it with his teeth and sucked on it. He heard how Danny hissed and started moaning at the same time, and then he felt, how Danny wrapped his arms around his neck, and since that moment there's no way back. If this was only a dream, Steve's willing to do not wake up, till the end of it, but if this was for real, he wanted to get more, much more than that. He looked up into Danny's eyes reaching for any sign of a hesitation or a regret but he didn't find them. Danny's eyes were full of lust, their blue color became a navy one, an excitement simple radiated from them. Before Danny could get a second thought about this what's going' on between the two of them, Steve without a permission just crashed his lips on Danny’s ones and pulled himself much closer to the cupboard. Both of them were in a shock, when Danny wrapped his legs around Steve's waist and pulled him even closer, like impossible closer to his loins. Steve felt like he found himself into some kind of trap and he was sure about one thing, he loved how it felt.

Danny couldn't even take deep breath cuz after Steve crashed his lips on his own, his tongue slipped inside Danny's mouth and started to fight with his own for a domination. Danny's taste dizzied Steve, mix of a coffee and Masaladas overwhelmed him. When fireworks burnt inside Danny's guts, he pushed Steve harder to himself, and when he made this, he could feel how rock hard Steve was and it dazed him completely. They lost their heads into that kiss, both of them felt, like they just escaped from some kind of cage, where they locked each other months back. Steve moved his lips down on Danny's chin and ended his way on his pulse point. Danny leant back his head and Steve deepened his caress, he sucked Danny's sensitive spot and made him moaned, and that moaning made Steve smirk into the kiss, cuz he could feel Danny's murmur in his throat, under his hot lips.

Danny grabbed Steve's shirt, he almost tore it apart when he felt like Steve bit his earlobe. He slipped his hands under Steve's shirt and touched his chest. Steve’s skin was hot, he felt that his fingers simple burnt, when he touched him. Definitely a heat of Hawaii took them to a hell of a pleasure. Danny stripped Steve off and threw his shirt somewhere behind him. He slowly moved his palms up Steve's arms and rested them on Steve's cheeks. When he looked into Steve's eyes again, he could see how dreamy they're and lust in them was that answer, what he needed the most at that moment. Danny pulled Steve's lips closer and then he grabbed them with his teeth. They just couldn't break that kiss, their tongues again started to dance around each other. They both explored each other mouths, like there would be no tomorrow. Danny slid on the floor from the cupboard, and when he made it, he brushed Steve's hips and that motion made them both moaned in a sync.

Without breaking the kiss, Steve opened Danny's belt and before he could even blink, he found himself with pants around his legs. Steve pushed him harder on the wall, next to the cupboard. Danny didn't even notice how cold was that wall, cuz Steve bit his down lip and taste of Steve and his own blood, simple took Danny's breath away. Before Steve stripped off Danny's boxers, he heard something. First, the sound was muffled, but then Steve heard this again. Someone was banging at the front door. And when he focused his attention on that tone, he hissed, cuz Danny bit his neck.

"Damn it!" Steve cursed, when Danny moved his tongue on his chest and then licked his left nipple.
"Fuck, damn it!" Steve repeated and looked around, trying to localize his shirt. Even he tried with all his might, he couldn't focus on something, when Danny's tongue made circles around his right nipple.
“What's the matter with you, Steven, huh?! What the hell are you doing anyway?!” Danno asked and his husky voice sent shiver up and down Steve's spine. Steve looked at Danny and a smile showed up on his trembling lips. Danny’s hair was in a mess, he stood there without pants with dreamy eyes, which became more and more pissed at that moment. Steve grabbed Danny’s face into his palms and kissed Danny’s open mouth slowly. Sweet taste of Danno drugged Steve once again, so he lengthened the kiss a little bit, and then he rested his forehead on Danny's one.

“Danny... Damn it... It was... God... I need to find my shirt...” Steve whispered and his warm breath made Danny trembled.
“That's it?! That's it?! A shirt?! You need to find a shirt…?! U! Neanderthal Animal! Are you joking me or what!?” Danny hissed and pulled him closer again. Before Steve could say something, and Danny could grab his down lip with teeth again, he finally heard this. Someone was knocking at the door, and that sound became more impatiently and definitely louder with every passing' minute.
“Gracie!” Danny tapped his forehead and in a panic, he started to look around the kitchen trying to localize his pants. This view made Steve burst out laughing.
“Danny?” He asked and rubbed his short, dark hair.
“What?! Steven, what?! Do something with yourself, where the hell is your damn shirt?! Where are my pants?!” Danny yelled and waved his hands. Steve grabbed his face into palms and made Danny looked up into his eyes.
“Your pants are around your legs, Goof!” Steve smirked and left a brief kiss on Danny's open mouth.
“Screw you, McGarrett!” Danny hissed and before he could say something more, Steve grabbed his shirt from the table behind his back and dressed it up.
"Put your pants on, Bon Jovi!" He yelled on his way to front door.
“Like I said before, screw you SEAL! I'm a grown man, I know what I should do!” Danny yelled back, and then he took a deep breath. “God, that's blast!” He whispered and licked his lips. It was maybe crazy but he's almost sure that he still could feel Steve's taste on them.

Steve felt alive, he wanted to scream, he wanted to dance, but when he opened the front door, his happy eyes met with little copy of Danno and he just burst in laughing again. Gracie looked at him irritated and put her little hands on her hips. Look of her face was simple priceless, she twisted her head and sighed.
“Uncle Steve, why did it take you so long, anyway?” She asked and Steve could almost swear that he heard Danny. He gave her a wink and opened his arms. Gracie hesitated only for a second and then she jumped into his arms and kissed his left cheek.
“I'm so sorry Monkey that you had to wait, can I make it up to you somehow?” Steve asked and big smile from ear to ear showed on his face when she looked at him with shinning eyes.
“You can take me to Uncle Kame for Shave Ice after surf class.” Gracie smirked.
“That’s a deal, kiddo!” Steve chuckled and closed the front door. With Gracie still in his arms, he walked slowly back to the kitchen, he wanted to be sure, that Danny prepared himself for a meeting with his daughter. When he saw him last time, he was far away from that. Thinking about Danny made that he lost it for a moment.
“Uncle Steve? Uncle Steve?” Gracie tapped gently his left cheek. Steve looked at her surprised.
“Huh?” He murmured and rubbed his short, dark hair. “What's up?” He asked and kissed her forehead distracted.
“Nothing!” Gracie smirked and put her head on his shoulder again. “But I saw that you have something on your neck and I asked you, if you're okay, cuz you know … it looks like someone just bit you, and that bruise doesn't look good, and Uncle Steve, did some vampire just bite you?” Gracie asked and Steve simple froze.
“A vampire?” Steve asked amused. “No, no vampire, Babe, not at all...” Steve chuckled and walked with Gracie in his arms into the kitchen. Then his heart almost jumped out of his chest, when he saw how Danny's smiling at his daughter. There’s no more beautiful view, than Daddy Williams. Then Danny glanced at Steve and a power of his look simple took Steve's breath away. Like always.
→ §2 One step at a time I [REBOOT]

fic: steve/danno, hawaii five-0, rating: r, fiction: slash, heat of hawaii

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