§13 [The Wave Of Love] I

Feb 15, 2012 20:30

Title: PART 1 [If I knew then, what I know now...]
Collection: Heat of Hawaii
Author: xcsimisiax
Fandom: Hawaii Five-0
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Danny {but other characters regularly appear}
Summary: "God, give me a mercy!" {Steve 2 Danny}
Content of Note: Drama & erotic,
Warinings: Hmmm english isn't my mother language, so remember about this, okay? lol
Rating: r.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't own'em, just borrowed'em to play with. No infringement is intended.

When Steve woke up, he trully couldn't tell if this was still night or maybe morning of another day, it could be even afternoon, he trully didn't have any idea. Room was shrouded in darkness, cuz Danny took care of it, before he left a bedroom. He knew that daylight wouldn't be good for Steve, after his boy drank whole bottle of Jack Daniel's on an empty stomach a day before.

Steve tried again open his eyes, and again he wasn't able to make it, cuz pain burst his head. It was probably one of the biggest and the worst hangover his entire life. Steve felt how dry his lips and tongue were, and when he wanted to say something, only harsh sound came out of his mouth. Steve rubbed his face by palms but it wasn’t a best idea, cuz unfortunately he scratched himself by a bandage on his right hand.

“Fuck” He hissed and then almost fell down from a bed, cuz grouchy bark of a dog sounded like an explosion in his head. It was Jersey who was barkin’ at that moment like crazy, and even she was downstairs, that sound almost made a hole in his brain. Steve heard like Danny tried calm down their dog, but it didn’t help much.
“God, give me a mercy!” Steve whispered and put a pillow on his head. But unluckily the pillow wasn’t a “soudproof” one. This was complitely insane, Steve’s face burnt him a real fire cuz of scracht, plus he felt that his head was much heaver than rest of his body and every move made that his brain just waved together with his stomach. Steve sighed big and closed his eyes again.

After few minutes later a bark stopped and there’s only a blessed silence. Steve knew that he's alone in their bed but still, even this, he checked Danny's side. Sheet was cold, like he wouldn't be there for a really long time, and that fact irritated Steve right away. He wanted to feel Danny's hand on his chest, his softly kiss on forehead and lingering one on his neck, it was their ritual. Truth was that Steve used to this and it always turned him on at the morning. Even at this moment, when he only thought about that, an excitement fulfilled his whole body and rested in down part of his guts.

“Where the hell is Bon Jovi?!” Steve snarled and a vexation stucked into his heart like a knife. He tried to stand up from bed, but eventually he found himself on the floor, right next to the bed. Whole world waved in front of his eyes and his head was just spinnin' around like some kind of crazy roller-coaster.

“Fuck...” Steve grouched again and closed his eyes. Danny came upstairs and opened bedroom's door 10 minutes later, he wasn't sure if he should burst in laughin' or play it cool. Steve laid on the floor, with closed eyes and wry face. He was still halfnaked, the same way like Danny saw him, before he left bedroom, but new was, that Danny’s black boxers slipped down on Steve’s hips a little bit, that only millimetres separated Danny from a view of this, what boxers still somehow covered. Danny couldn't stop himself and he licked his down lip. How he could resist this man, it was just impossible. Steve had definitely this “thing” about what women talked since ages. Danny’s body always reacted the same way, when he was around Steve, or even thought about him. He was in love, that’s a fact, but he was also in some kind of permanent excitement, since their paths finally crossed.

Danny knew that when Steve finally would be able to make it, they needed to talk about Joe, but at that moment, no one and nothing was more important than Steve. Danny closed the door and kneeled next to his boy. Steve didn’t react, so Danny gently touched his feverish forehead and then softly carresed, only by his fingertips, a fresh scratch on Steve's right cheek.

“Steve, come one, you need to stand up from this floor, Babe...” Danny said and his low voice was only a little bit louder than waves, what were cruschin' on a sand outisde the window.
“I can't.” Steve whispered and glanced at Danny, he hadn't even to move his head to lost himself in Danny's blue shinnin' eyes.
“Good morning, SEAL.” Danny smirked and softly carresed Steve's lips by his own. He felt how dry they're, so he took Steve’s face into his palms, and licked and outlined Steve’s lips by a tongue, slowly and gently. Steve felt like a warmness backed to his guts and his mind just clouded over. With rest of his power, he grabbed Danny's shirt and drew him on his own chest. Danny, without broke apart his caress, laid down on Steve’s body slowly and when their hips sticked to each other, they both moaned lowly.

Danny shifted his hips just a little bit up to find a perfect position, and when he made this Steve grabbed his ass and pushed him harder on himself. He needed to feel him, and through his boxers, even Danny dressed a pyjamas, Steve could feel how rock hard Danny was, and it turned him on right away, his feverish head was just spinning around even harder. Danny murmured into Steve’s mouth and he focused again on Steve's lips, which were already swollen.

“I missed you.” Danny whispered when he broke the kiss finally to catch some breath. Steve touched Danny’s cheek with his healthy palm.
“You left me in bed, alone... With this shitty hangover... Why?” Even it wasn't Steve’s intention, his voice sounded painful. Danny's heart made a salto, he kissed again Steve and then snuggled up to his neck.
“Silly, someone had to take care of Jersey, besides I made you your favourite coffee...” Danny whispered to Steve’s left ear and shiver went down Steve’s spine, when Danny’s fingers started their way down on Steve's chest.
“Mahalo, but did you just call me SEALy?” Steve asked and tiny smile showed up on his face. Danny just twinkled when Steve started to stroke Danny’s buttocks.
“Besides I really need some coffeine in my bloodstream.” Steve said and Danny looked up on his face again.
“How's your head, SEALy?” He asked and rested his head again on Steve's chest, his hand stopped on the lower part of Steve's stomach, and louder breathin' of his man, was a real sign, that even the hangover killed him, he still reacted on Danny in the same way like always.
“This shit almost explodes my head...” Steve said and Danny rolled up from him and he kneeled next to Steve again. It wasn't that easy with an erection, but not a sex Steve needeed at that moment the most. Danny gave Steve a hand and helped him to stand up from the floor. Steve lost his balance so he laid his body on Danny.
“God, Steve, why you even stood up from the bed?” Danny asked worried, Steve really wasn't in best shape and it made upset Danny.

“I didn't stand up, I crowled down...” Steve tried to laugh, but his head first waved, and then he found himself on his knees in the bathroom, he was pukin’ with head over a toilet bowl. Danny crouched behind Steve’s back with a wet towel and he’s gently carresin’ Steve’s bare back. When Steve finally sat down on the floor, he was white like a sheet and shiverin'. Danny gently cleansed Steve’s face and then put fresh, wet towel on Steve's feverish forehead. Steve snuggled his right cheek into Danny's palm and closed his eyes.
“I feel like shit, Danny...”
“I can see that, Babe.”

Danny sat for a moment with Steve, his heart ached when he saw him that painful and exhausted, but when Steve closed his eyes again, Danny left him on the floor for a moment and took care of bathroom. When he was done with this, he helped Steve to stand up and they walked slowly downstairs. Steve rested his body on the couch, and then Jeresy came to him. She felt that something was wrong, so she quietly moaned and then laid down next to the couch. She didn't stop stare on Steve's face. When Danny backed from a kitchen to a sittin' room, Steve still laid on the couch, with closed eyes, he even covered them by his left hand.

“Babe, here, drink this.” Danny sat next to Steve on the couch and leaned his right lower arm on back rest. Steve opened his eyes and checked what Danny wanted to give him.
“What's this?” He asked and closed his eyes again.
“It's Kamekona's mixture, best for a hangover, and when Big Guy says that’s the best, it's a true.” Danny smirked and stroked Steve's hair. Then he gently touched Steve's forehead and cheek. Steve covered Danny’s right hand by his own and snuggled up to it, like he loved the most. Danny’s palm was nicely cold, so Steve wouldn’t plan to set it free any soon. Danny just smiled at him and sighed.
“You really think that Kame is a right man to take his word as a pro?” Steve gasped and Danny just chuckled as an answer.
“You will drink this, or I call for Shave Ice King, your choice Babe.” Steve shrugged his arms and took a glass from Danny's left hand. He sat on the couch and then he drank the mixture. It wasn't that bad, tasted pretty good, so Steve drank it all and put the glass down on the floor.
“Maaan, Steve, you really want to walk through the glass when you would move finally your sexy ass from this couch?” Danny gasped and smirked at the same time. He wanted to take the glass from the floor, but when he leaned down, Steve grabbed Danny's shirt on his back and when he moved his body closer to Steve, Steve drew him on his chest. Again this morning.

“You're such a predictable man.” Danny smirked and obediently snuggled up to Steve. Truth was that he counted on move like this from Steve. For a while they just laid together, snuggled tight and enjoyed this moment. Steve's head slowly stopped spinnin' around, he could even keep his eyes open more than 10 seconds but when he had Danny so close to himself, he closed his eyes with pleasure and just enjoyed this time together. They didn't have much chance to rest like that, cuz there're always bad guys to catch, or work to do. Danny was strokin' Steve's chest hair, and Steve twisted his legs with Danny's tightly so he could gently stroked Danny’s calf by his left foot.

“So? Is this workin', Steve?” Danny asked and kissed Steve's upper arm.
“Yes, you know, actually it works pretty good”. Steve said and kissed Danny's head. “I guess I own our Big Guy some beer”.
“Yeah, I guess so.” Danny said and leaned head on his arm and looked Steve in the face. “I need to tell you something, Steve...” Steve looked down and serious look of Danny's face made him worried right away.
“Did something happen? Something happened to Gracie?” Steve asked and moved his body up instinctively. Danny almost fell down from the couch. There's only one reason, why he didn't start to wave his hands and yell at Steve straight away, Danny knew that Steve's worried about their Monkey, so he didn't think when he moved his body up.

“So? Is Gracie okay?” Steve asked again and grabbed Danny's shirt, he helped him back on the couch, right next to himself. For a moment Danny didn't say a word but his face became a really red one.
“No, nothing happened to our Princess, jerk! U! Neanderthal animal! Next time watch out, okay? Maybe you want to walk through a glass, but I'm not gonna end with the glass in my ass!” Danny grouched, waved his hands like crazy and at the end he smoothed his hair. Steve for a moment just stared at him enchanted and then he burst in laughin'. He just couldn't stop, he wiped his tears and still laughed like crazy. His whole body just shaked and shrugghed.

“You're a sick person, you know that, right?” Danny asked and wiped his own tears, cuz just after Steve started to roar with laughter, Danny followed him, so they both laughed and clapped their backs like crazy.
“But in best possible way, right?” Steve answered by question and crushed his lips on Danny's ones.
“Mhmmm...” Danny murmured and grabbed Steve's face into his palms. Steve made this kiss a little bit deeper, when his tongue started to explore Danny's mouth. He needed to feel Danny's taste on his tongue again, and like always it dizzied him and made him feel just happy. Their tongues started to fight for domination, Steve drew Danny closer to himself, so Danny slipped on Steve's knees and sat that close, that they hips almost sticked to each other, and no one of them complaint about that. Danny felt like Steve pulled over his shirt, they broke a kiss for a second and Danny's shirt ended on the arm chair.

“Babe, even I enjoy this little chillin' on the couch, we really need to talk”. Danny whispered and rested his forehead on Steve's one. His loud breath sounded so sexy in Steve's ears, that's why he didn't want to end this foreplay, he wanted much more. Kame's mixture worked fast, so Steve felt really much better. Or maybe Danny's lips were a reason of his quickly recovery? Steve trully didn't care much about that, as long as he felt how his rock hard dick rubbed the same hard Danny's one through their clothes. He didn't want to talk, he wanted Danny.
“Do we really need to talk? Now I mean? Can't it just wait little longer? Cuz you know, Jersey, I can't for sure!” Steve smirked and his lips ended on Danny's neck.

Danny tried to fight with himself, but he couldn't resist this lingering caress, so he closed his eyes and leaned back his head, gave that way a better access to his neck. Steve willingly used this. Danny felt like an excitement fulfilled down part of his stomach, their hearts beat rapidly, their breaths were loud and jerky. It looked like their bodies just burnt in real fire, bare chests sticked to each other, hips were rubbin' each other all the time. It was insane to think about talkin' at this moment, but Danny had to make it. If Danny would let Steve take, what he wanted on that couch, he would never ever forgive this to himself, and for sure Steve wouldn't be able to make it too. “It's time to come clean.” Danny thought and broke a kiss. He put his hands on Steve's naked chest and looked strict into Steve's dreamy eyes.

“Seal, we really need to talk, believe me, please, you will agree with me later...” Danny said and gently carresed Steve's cheek. Steve for a moment couldn't understand what Danny was talkin' to him, he lost his mind in the foreplay. But then he blinked and said.
“You're a real pain in the ass, Jersey, and believe me I have a better way to use my ass...” Steve snarled and didn't stop strokin' Danny's bare back.
“But still, I think we need to talk and when I say something, I say something, roger that?” Danny smiled and Steve nodded.
“Sir, yes, sir” Steve chuckled and saluted.
“Besides, I have some plans about your sexy ass too, boy, so no need for an impatience. I'll take care of it, but first I need to tell you something.” Danny stood up from Steve's knees and put his shirt back on his chest. Steve looked sadly at him.
“I guess, it's a serious talk, huh?” Steve asked a little worried. He just felt that something was wrong, so he stroked his hair, rubbed his face and then he twisted his arms on his chest and waited for Danny's move. His erection wasn't helpful at all, but what he could do about this? Danny wanted to talk, so he needed to solve this “problem” in other way. Steve took few deep breaths and focused on Danny's face.

“It's about you and Joe...” Danny started and broke a sentence. He wasn't sure how to tell Steve, that he knew about his father since North Korea. But still, Danny was sure one thing, that he had to make it finally. Steve deserved for the true.
“What?” Short question was full of anxiety. Fear fulfilled his stomach.
“I knew...” Danny whispered low, he still looked into Steve's eyes.
“You know what, Danny?” Steve asked slowly, but he's pretty sure that he exactly knew, about what Danny's talkin'. Fear slowly was replacin' by madness.
“I knew that Joe's your father...” Danny said and held his breath. Steve just felt how madness filled his veins, his heart almost exploded cuz of pain, rage flooded his bloodstream.
“How long?” That question sounded like crack of the whip. Danny crouched down his arms when he answered.
“Since North Korea...”

Steve couldn't believe in this, what he just heard. Once he was kissin' Danny and plannin' to have a steamy and hot sex on the couch, and then he found himself in front of the man, who just lied to him over a month. “How the hell it was even possible?” Steve tried to wrap his head around this, what just happened. “He came for me to North Korea, he was with me all the time in hospital, he made this NAVY's tattoo for me, he cared of me when I backed home, he proposed to me, we spent Christmas together with our family, and still he just lied to me all his time in front of my naivy eyes.” Steve got this thought and felt how his hands started to shake, tears fulfilled his eyes, he forgot about an excitement, the erection. He's shattered.
Danny came closer to the coach. He hesitated for a moment and then he touched Steve's upper arm.

“Steve...” Danny whispered low.
“Back off! Don't you dare to put your hand on me, Jersey!” Steve hissed and twisted Danny's arm. He saw pain on Danny's face and for a moment his heart ached cuz of that, but then he recollected, what Danny told him, how he betrayed him again, so he pushed Danny away and stood up from the coach. Danny looked at Steve complitely shattered. His eyes were full of pain and guilt.
“Be grateful, that I'm not gonna punch you, cuz your nose would end on the back of your head, Daniel!” Steve spat these words and he passed Danny by when he walked outside the house. He tried to do not care if he hurted Danny, but he noticed that Danny's massagin' his arm with wry face after all.

Steve didn't care that he dressed only Danny's black boxers. He didn't care cuz no one could see him. He was on his property, that part of the beach was only his. Besides even if someone could see him, it'd better for this person to back off and walk away the same way, like he or she would come there. Steve was pissed off, madness filled his body, he couldn't even think straight at this shape. He felt how headache started his way back and it pissed him even more. Steve still couldn't believe that Danny just screwed him all over, again. He was sure that after this, what happened at the kitchen, when Danny just denied of him to Kono, Danny would never make this again. But he did. He betrayed Steve again. It hurted even worser, than it was weeks back.

But Danny made it up to Steve, every single day. Danny did all his best to show Steve how much he regreted this, what he did, and how much he loved and cared of Steve. And Steve believed him. Till that day, that moment, when Steve once again realized, that he never should trust Danny. He just made believe Steve, that he could be really part of his life, and heart. Steve sighed big and entered the ocean. He stood there, with water to the level of his knees and he just stared at the water and a horizon.

Danny didn't know what he should do, backed off and left Steve alone on the beach, or he should come to him and finish that talk. He knew it'd be hard one, and he trully understood Steve's reaction, but he couldn't just go away. Danny knew exactly, how much he hurted his man, Steve was betrayed and screwed up enough times in his life, and Danny promised him, that he wouldn't make it again ever. Truth was that he didn't, and that's why Danny had to explain this to Steve. He didn't lie to him, he simply hid the true, and he did this not cuz he wanted to hurt Steve, but it wasn't Danny's call to tell Steve the true about his father. Steve wouldn't ever forgive him or Joe, if Danny would be this one, who would tell him that not John, but Joe, is Steve's dad. Danny sighed big again and walked slowly on the beach. His arm still hurted him, but he felt like somehow he deserved this pain, so he didn't complain. Steve was right, it could be worser, if he wouldn't have this huge hangover, he could trully kick his ass. Danny could only imagine how awful Steve felt, these last two days were so hard for him and it made Danny even more upset and worried about his boy.

Steve heard Danny's steps on the sand, he heard how he stopped, few steps behind his back. When Steve closed his eyes, somehow even waves surrouned him, he still could hear Danny's breath.
“Go home, Danny...” Steve said, resignation fulfilled his voice, he's fed up with that whole situation. He still couldn't believe in this, what Joe told him a day before, and now Danny beat him up. Again. It's simply too much, defnitely too much.
“No, I won't...” Danny said back and came closer to Steve. He stood right behind Steve's back, he wanted so much just touch him, he even saw in front of his eyes how his hand's movin' closer to tanned skin on Steve's back. Danny sighed and put both hands into his pockets.

“Danny, please, leave me alone, I don't wanna talk, I-I... Just leave me alone... God, give me a mercy...” Steve said, his voice was calm, and this fact surprised both of them. For Danny this low, tired and broken voice was a while worser than if Steve would just yell at him, or even hit him. He deserved for this, and with behaviour like that it'd be easier to deal. But when Steve just gave up on him, too shattered for fight, it was like he would just rape Danny's heart from his chest, and it hurted badly, he simple couldn't breath.
“Steve, We need to talk, even you hate me now and probably you don't even wanna to see me, I won't step back, I won't… So please, do not ask me about this again, okay?” Danny said and wrapped his arms around Steve's waist and snuggled to his warm bare back. Steve trembled, for a moment he closed his eyes and enjoy warmness which showed up in his heart and flooded his whole body, because of Danny's touch, and heat of his body. Danny twisted his fingers on Steve's stomach and took a deep breath.

But when he wanted to say something, Steve started to release his body from Danny's arms, but Danny didn't let him.
“Let me go, Danny...” Steve's voice trembled, he really was fed up with everything, he wanted just forgot. To be alone.
“No...” Danny still held him tightly. Steve stopped to fight, not because he didn't want to walk away, he just didn't have power to struggle with Danny, so he waited for a right moment to free himself, and just disappear.
“Steve, I know that words like  “I'm so sorry” won't change anything, believe me, I know and I'm pretty sure that I hate myself a while more that you do already. If you think that it was easy for me to hide the true from you, every single day since we backed from North Korea, I wanna assure you, that it wasn't... There're milion times, when I just wanted to tell you the true about Joe...”
“But you didn't... You didn't, Danny...” Steve interrupted him and his low voice squeezed Danny's heart. He felt Steve's pain, how broken-hearted he was, and it made him suffer as well.
“I didn't make it, cuz it wasn't my call to tell you this, Steve... Your father should tell you the true, not me... If I'd make it, you wouldn't be able to forgive this Joe... And I know how much you love him, how much you care of him and how big part of your life Joe always was, and still is...” Danny whispered and sticked closer to Steve's bare back. He rested his head on Steve's arm and smelled his warm, salty skin. He tried to get a power from this hug, from Steve's body, heat of his body, warmed Danny's heart and gave him strenght, what he needed to survive this talk.

“Steve... Joe loves you, he always loved you... I know that he couldn't tell you everything yesterday...”
“You talked with him yesterday?” Steve asked and stiffened. Danny kissed Steve's arm gently before he answered. His lips almost didn't touch Steve's skin.
“Yes, I met him, I had to make it. You didn't receive my calls, I almost took a leave of my senses. I was so worried about you, I needed to know what happened. And since I knew that you had this meeting with Joe, it was first place where I drove. Especially that Joe called me, worried that you left him in hotel after your talk and he didn't know either what's goin' on with you...”
“Was he worried about, me?...” Steve asked and that question sounded more like an ask of little boy than an adult man, soldier one. Danny moved his hand up on Steve's chest and rested it on Steve's heart. He felt how rapidly it was beatin' at that moment.
“He was worried about you, he knew he hurted you badly and broke your heart, but he just had to know, if you're safe with me... But you weren't and that's why I jumped into Camaro and drove to Joe with squeling tires.” Danny said and again twisted his hands on Steve's stomach. He felt like Steve's body relaxed a little bit, he even leaned his back on Danny's chest and it melted Danny's heart. It was a sign that Steve really listened him, and his words weren't pointless ones.

“Babe, you really should give Joe a chance to tell you everything about this what happened in past... I'm not the right person to tell you this, what your father should do, but I want to assure you about one thing, Joe loves you since he saw you for the first time in John's arms. He loved you all these years... His son...” Danny said this and his low voice calmed down Steve complitely. He knew that Danny's right, that he let Joe to tell Steve the true, Steve wasn't mad anymore at Danny, more, he felt like love fulfilled his heart again, slowly, with every single heart-beatin'. Danny's touch, his voice, the way how he held Steve tightly in his arms, these all little things relaxed Steve, cooled him down. He's grateful that Danny didn't leave him cuz evetunally like always, Danny's the one cure, which Steve needed to heal his broken heart.

“It's just so hard, Danny... I... I never had a good relationship with my father... I mean... I mean with John... I lost all these years tryin' to deserve for love, which John never could give me...” Steve said and sighed sadly.
“Steve, you can't change past, but you can decide about your future...” Danny whispered and gently carresed the skin on Steve's stomach by his finger tips. Steve closed his eyes.
“You're right Danny, I can.”
“Yes, you can, Steve.” Danny said and smiled, cuz Steve finally intervowe his fingers with Danny's. Danny kissed Steve neck, just over the back bone and snuggled up to Steve's neck. Smell of Steve's skin always drugged him and made him feel better.
“These all things what Joe made for you, during all these years, how much he sacrificed his life to you, to be around you, to have a chance for bein' a part of your life...” Danny sighed. “I hope so one day Gracie could say the same, about me.” Steve's heart squeezed when Danny mentioned about Joe, and melted when he said about Gracie. That little girl stole Steve's heart for the first sight on a football match, more than year back, but now she became someone really special for him, somehow, she became his daughter too.

Steve without freed himself from Danny's arms, turned around his body and he found himself in front of Danny's face. Love what Steve found in Danny's eyes one more time squeezed his heart. He gently took Danny's face into his palms, and softly, without hurtin' him by his bandge, he carresed Danny's cheeks by thumbs.
“What are you even talkin' about, Danny?” Steve asked and rested his forehead on Danny's. “You're the most amazing father, I've ever met my entire life and Gracie loves you all her little heart, so proud and so happy that she has an awesome dad like you, so don't you dare ever doubt in this... Or yourself! You're a hell of the father Jersey, of course in best possible way.” Steve assured Danny of his fatherhood and they both just smirked. Tears in Danny's eyes made them even more blue than usual, so Steve lost himself in them vulnerable,they're trully mesmerizing, simple took his breath away.
“And I'm a lucky person, that your heart belongs to me, Danny.” Steve whispered and touched Danny put his hands on Steve's face.

“I love you Steve, God, sometimes I feel like I'm in love with you since forever...” Danny whispered and kissed Steve's healthy palm. “But I screwed this soo badly ... I did this to you ... and since this kitchen's moment when I said Kono these shits about you and me ... I feel like I'm not worth you ... Not good enough to be with man, like you're ..." Danny sighed and Steve did the same. Their eyes were still lost in each other, like they're just connected by them. "When I proposed to you, I did this cuz I felt unsecured, I wanted to assure myself, that you wouldn't be able to leave me, even I'm not worth you, you won't leave me, cuz when you vowed something, you always keep your word...”
“You proposed to me to keep me close to you? To make me stay with you? Because you think that you're not good enough for me?! Are you insane?!” Steve asked and tiny smile showed up on his lips. He wasn't sure if he was more in shock or amazed. “How crazy is this?” Steve asked again and stroked Danny's hair.

“Like hell I guess, I think... I mean... After that kitchen's situation, when I didn't have enough big balls to tell Kono the true about us, I thought that you wouldn't be able to trust me again, I wanted to show you how much I love you in front of eyes of our Ohana, I wanted to declarate my love and affection to you, prove you how much I love you and that I'm ready to say this loud, I'm not afraid anymore, cuz truth is that I'm in love with you more than last two months, Steven...” Danny whispered and bowed his head... It cost him a lot to tell this finally loud and clear, how unsecure he feels in their relationship and how guilty he's cuz of this, what he did to Steve. Steve was moved, he felt like his heart started to beat louder and faster, he gently pushed up Danny's chin by his finger and looked strict into his blue, glassy eyes.

“Since I got to the prison... You realized that you're in love with me... Since I got to Halawa..." Steve whispered.
“Because you stayed here, and when you did this, even you came to me all the time on visits, you never mentioned that you could fly to Jersey and started your life again with Rachel, Monkey and new baby... You never told me the true when I stucked in that fuckin' jail. But I wasn't blind, I knew, that you two backed to each other ... And even it broke my heart to pieces, I wanted you to be happy, so I never said a word. But still, even you were with Rachel, you didn't leave me behind your back, you stayed on this miserable island for me, and you came to me, only you, cuz I didn't want to see someone else, every single day, you checked up on me and you fought for my freedom ... You even brought Joe on Hawaii, you never told  me how the hell it happened, but you did this ... For me ..." Steve said and rested his forehead again on Danny's, they both still touched each other faces. They both also knew that this talk was a much more serious one, like they thought before. It was a first time, when they opened their hearts that wide and said stuffs, which they never revealed to each other.

"I still remember like it was yesterday, when I escaped from Halawa, I ran like crazy, and the only one thing kept me sane there, that I ran to you, I knew that sooner or later you would find me, not matter where ... and you did this ... in Max's house... You found me, Danny... God, you're so pissed off, I-I... I was that one who bled there, but you're this one who behaved, like a wounded animal.” Steve whispered and carresed gently Danny's neck, over back bone.
“I was mad and broken at the same time, cuz I wanted so much just to be there for you, I wanted to be this one, who would open a door for you after that escape, and when I saw you in Max's house, I wanted so much just hold you tight, but I couldn't... I saw you there, terrified, half-naked, with bandage on your stomach, and I just wanted so much to come closer, to touch this bandage, check if you're really alright... But God, I couldn't ... I just couldn't make it...” Danny whispered back and his low voice was full of pain. Steve gently kissed Danny's salt lips and this lingering, deep kiss was like a love declaration, Danny felt like his knees started to shake, he wrapped his arms around Steve's neck and made that kiss even more deeper.

When their lips finally broke apart Danny looked back into Steve's hazel eyes, which were more blue than usually. Steve smiled gently and said.
“And that's why you yelled at me...? You came there like hailstorm and yelled at me like a madman! And you waved your hands like crazy!”
“That's why you asked me “Why you're yellin' at me?" and then Max said something about that I actually yelled even when I said that I didn't.”
“Yes and I could only think about this how much I wanted to find myslef into your arms, I was scared, I was mad and my stomach hurted me so badly.”
“But I couldn't make it then, even my whole body screamed for you, I couldn't take you into my arms... Bu now I can.” Danny said and cuddled to Steve tightly. For a moment they forgot that they're on the beach, for that moment they backed to Max's house, and Danny gave Steve this hug, which he needed then, but couldn't get unfortunately. Steve felt how rappidly Danny's heart beat at that moment, he felt Danny's warmness, his hands were reachin' Steve's bare back.

Steve felt like his eyes became glassy, he still remembered how it hurted him, that he couldn't snuggle to Danny in that day, when he needed him the most. He just escaped from jail, PD tried to find him, he was wounded, he didn't have a plan what he should do next, he just wanted to cover himself for a moment in Danny's arms and forgot about this, what was goin' on then. But now Danny was right next to him, he held him tightly and Steve felt, how warmness from Danny's body, flooded his own, all over again. Nothing and no one was more important than Danny, the man, who was simple Steve's whole world.
"Why am I standin' here almost naked, and you still have your pants on, Bon Jovi?' Steve asked and Danny heard in his voice that little smile, what he loved the most. He kissed Steve's naked arm and left there a little bite mark. Steve hissed.
"Because you're McGarrett, and I'm Williams..."
"And it means exactly what, cop?"
"That you just have this thing with walkin' on sunshine shirtless, and I don't, Seal..." Danny leant back his head and looked at Steve with smile from ear to ear. Steve for a moment just stared at Danny without a word and then he burst in laughin'.
"You know that you're shirtless too, right Danno?"
"Yeah, I guess I hang out too much with you, McGarrett" Danny said and burst in laughin' too.

Steve buried his nose into Danny's hair and grabbed his ass. For a moment they just stood there, into the ocean, holdin' each other like there wouldn't be some tomorrow, and enjoyed this time to the fullest. Then Steve took Danny's hand and interwove his fingers with his. Danny take their holdin' hand closer to his face and kiss. Steve heart just melted. Boys slowly walked back on the beach and both sat on the sand, Danny found himself between Steve's legs with his bare back sticked to Steve's naked chest. This time it was Steve who held Danny tightly and snuggled into his neck. Danny leant back a little bit his head and that way he gave Steve an easier access to his neck. Steve slowly licked Danny's pulse point, his lingering kiss made that Danny couldn't breath. He held it and tried to do not scream. Steve knew what his tongue was makin' with Danny and excitement fulfilled down part of his stomach. They both turned on each other in one minute. Moment of silence was broke by Steve this time.

"You know... When we drove Max's car to meet my fath... To meet Joe... You told me that Rachel's moving back to Hawaii..." Steve said still burrin' his head into Danny's neck, his hot breath distracted Danny complitely, but stil he focused somehow on this, what Steve told him.
"Yeah, I remember that..." Danny said and touched Steve's hand on his stomach. He squeezed it gently and twisted his fingers with Steve's.
"I was so scared that she would take you away... From me... Again... Exactly the same way, like she did few weeks back... You just stayed on Hawaii for me, for the first time you gave me a real proof that I meant something for you... And then like in some kind of nightmare she's showin' up on the island... Again... I was so mad and terrified, and you looked so broken... I ddin't know why... If reason was fact, that she was so important still for you, that you just couldn't deal with her comin' back to Stan... Or..."
"Or?..." Danny asked and kissed Steve's chin. His teeth left there a little bite mark what he licked gently. Steve moaned.
"Or you felt broken because of me... Because I escaped from jail, because I ran to Max, and not to yours place... Cuz you stayed on the island and still I didn't say something about that, about my feelings, I simple didn't make some move..."

"Do U really need to hear this, Steve?" Danny asked and rested his head on Steve's right arm. For a moment no one say something.
"Yes, I do..." Steve whispered and Danny moved his body the way that Steve could see his face.
"I was broken only because of you, because I stayed on the island and you didn't say something, didn't make a move... And even if my heart ached on that moment, I couldn't do somehing about that... I wasn't that brave... I thought that if I stayed, it'd be a clear msg for you..." Danny's low voice was fulfilled by pain.
"It was..." Steve answered, his voice sounded the same way.
"So why?" Danny asked and gently touched Steve's cheek and left there a softly, brief kiss, his lips almost didn't touch skin, but he still felt Steve's 5 o'clock shadow. Steve's heart melted, he looked at Danny with dreamy eyes and shiver went down his spine. Steve pulled Danny again closer to his naked chest, and smell Danny's hair, sun and shampoo just dizzied him.
"So?" Danny asked again.

"Because not only you were too scared and not brave enough to make a move..." Steve said and sighed. Danny again interwoved his fingers with Steve's and rested his head on his right arm. He wanted to hear Steve's side of the story.
"When I saw you for the first time in my father's garage, I knew that this was just a beginning of something much bigger... I couldn't explain this to myself, even when I tried, but still, even if I didn't know why, I listened my instincts and followed my heart... That's why Jameson hired you as a my partner... But it wasn't like love for the first sight, but for sure it was crush, a big, huge, endless crush, you just got into my bloodstream, Danno..." Steve gasped and smirked at the same time. He felt like rock fell down from his heart. He finally said this loud. He admitted finally, that he was in love with Danny a really long time. "I realized that I love you, I really do, when we run up that hill, and I told you about my past, about my fath... about John... When I fell down and broke my arm, you didn't want to leave me there, I pushed you to go and find help, but you didn't want to leave me behind my back... I still can hear your painful voice when you screamed my name on and on, just after I fell. I couldn't answer right away but your voice, it was like love declaration, I was afraid that you could try to go down, so I took a deep breath and yelled back to you that I was fine."

"I almost died there, Steven... I saw how you fell down, I saw this rock what hit your head, I almost jumped right afer you, I was trully terrified..." Danny whispered and kissed Steve's pulse point on his neck, touched of Danny's tongue made that Steve trembled.
"I know Babe, I know... And you did everything to save me... and then you made this heart in the air... I saw it and almost fell down again... I thought that I only imagined this thing, my heart started to beat like crazy". Steve smiled and Danny felt this, he smiled back.
"I still remember look of your face, that shock, God, it was simple prizeless." Danny said and again his tongue markt a spot of Steve's neck, his moanin' was a profe, that he trully didn't mind.
"And you're smilin', this one of the most beautiful smile I've ever seen on your face, Danno..."
"Because I smiled to you, SEALy..." Danny whispered and left another linering kiss on Steve's neck, and Steve again just moaned and closed his eyes with pleasure. He knew that Danny teased him, that with these all little kisses he just want to kick him on top of an excitement, when he wouldn't be able just sat and admired the situation, but he would jump on Danny and took, what he needed. Truth was that he wanted exactly the same, about what Danny was thinkin', so he didn't mind and waited, when his self control would give up, and he could follow his instincts. For their both's sake.

"I was sure that I really love you, when I almost lost you Danny, you're dyin' in front of my eyes cuz you're suffocatin' and I couldn't stop this, I couldn't help you..." Steve said and his body trembled.
"Shush, Babe, it's past, I'm alright... I'm alive, I survived this, you saved me, you and Jenna, I'm alright..." Danny said lowly and squeezed Steve's hand.
"I know, Danny, I know..." Steve gasped. "That night, when I walked back to you in the middle of the night and I found Rachel, snuggled to you on that hospital bed..." Steve stopped for a moment and looked at the ocean.
"Tell me..." Danny whispered.
"That night... I wanted to tell you about my feelings... That I love you, and I want to be with you, no matter what... But this what I saw? It broke my heart to million pieces... I saw how happy you're and I couldn't do something about that... I had to smile and acted like nothing happened, simple nothing, even my heart ached and I barely could breath." Danny didn't say a word, he tried to wrap his head around this, what he just heard, and dealed somehow with fact, that they could be together... Then... Months back... But he destroyed everything, he believed Rachel, when she told him that they're meant for each other, that they should try again. Now he knew that by this stupid, naivy move, he almost lost a chance to be with man, who was the love of his life.

"That night I didn't back to my house, I drove to Catherine's place, and we slept together, I wanted to make everything, simple everything what could help me to forget this view... To stop seein' you with woman... To be able to hold you on another day and smiled to you, like nothing happened, because the only thing matter for me was your happiness... God I still remember this talk in your car... when you told me that Rachel broke up with Stan and you're officially together again..." Steve said and Danny bowed his head.
"You congratulated us..."
"And it pissed you off..."
"Yes... cuz look of your face, your voice... it was like you said this but you trully didn't mean it... And still you didn't say something..."

"What you expected from me, Danny? What? That I'd stop the car, jump off and kneel on the ground? Danny, you left me... Somehow but still... You left me and you backed to your ex-wife, woman who broke your heart, who you hated so much when I first met you... But still you backed to her and I had to deal with this..." Steve said and pain fulfilled his voice, and his heart. The same pain, which stucked like knife into Danny's heart.
"I asked you, if you think that me and Rachel shouldn't be together..." Danny whispered.
"Yes and I said that I didn't said that... I just remembered how it looked between you two when I first met you, and I didn't want you to get hurt, Danny..."
"You wanted to see me happy... I said "Thank you" and you said "You're welcome... You're welcome..." Your face, your voice, they're simple painful.

[Here you have rest of part 1]

fic: steve/danno, rating: r, fiction: slash, heat of hawaii

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