What is this wonderfully foreign feeling? I'm half anticipating for the fairytale of this to dissipate. I don't know if i'm ready, but I can't remember the last time I felt so sure about someone
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Decorated my room a little more today. It feels more like home rather than a hotel room now. Our living room still needs a little work
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Im going to die. the past two nights: Drunk going to bed at 4 AM waking up for 9 AM classes tonight... i'm going downtown to a club tomorrow night...well, it's friday and Sarah is moving up on Saturday!
What am i doing to myself! at least i have my work done ;)
I guess I'm "seeing" two guys at the same time. I like em both for different reasons, though. I feel bad, even though I shouldn't for wanting to keep my options open. But i should put myself in their shoes for once. This is probably just a disaster waiting to happen!
I hate wanting something and then not wanting it so much when i can get it. but seriously, don't leave three girls stranded while you hop on the last Muni back to SFSU without telling them. I can't be mad at Kyle, because well, i don't think I could never be angry with that sweet kid. But Nolan....you're fucked!