Today I went to 2 different gas stations and 3 different pumps and each time it would only let me pump gas for .43 cents. Bizarre!!! other then that, I got nothing...
Xander really wants to be Master Chief for Halloween, they don't make kids costumes for it and for any even sort of cool adult costume you are looking to pay hundreds of dollars! UGH
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Why does emotions always out weigh logic, reason and common sense? I am done!!.... I am just done I don't even know waht to do anymore to make things al right. There is no al right I am done!!!! I eally don't think i care anymore. and i am really drunk and can't find my pajama bottoms but still done
Last night I had a dream, that for a moment I had a penis... It was quite...interesting! hehe In the dream it was just normal for me to have one, but then the next moment, it was that was normal too,no more penis!!
I guess that is what happens if you eat betos at night time... or at all!