Title: The Beginning Pairing: Fred Burkle/Nick Stokes Rating: PG Word Count: 612 Summary: Takes place a few years after The Conversation AN: Fic #7 of 15 for 15_song_titles
Awww. You know, I seem to say that a lot with these two!
I love that they became friends over the years, and that Nick was being such the gentleman in waiting for her. You do a great job of writing them together.
Awww. You know, I seem to say that a lot with these two!
Well, Nick is a very caring, sensitive guy. Since he cares about people who barely knows, I can only imagine how caring and loving he'd be with someone he was in love with. ^^ That's why I like writing him and playing him - he's an utter sap and so adorable. :D
I have a couple more ficlets lined up but since they'll be FRAO, I can't write them at work. Since the first one is short, hopefully I can get it done during lunch. ^^
Comments 4
I love that they became friends over the years, and that Nick was being such the gentleman in waiting for her. You do a great job of writing them together.
Lovely job! *snugs*
Well, Nick is a very caring, sensitive guy. Since he cares about people who barely knows, I can only imagine how caring and loving he'd be with someone he was in love with. ^^ That's why I like writing him and playing him - he's an utter sap and so adorable. :D
I have a couple more ficlets lined up but since they'll be FRAO, I can't write them at work. Since the first one is short, hopefully I can get it done during lunch. ^^
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