Title: The Beginning
Pairing: Fred Burkle/Nick Stokes
Rating: PG
Word Count: 612
Summary: Takes place a few years after
The ConversationAN: Fic #7 of 15 for
15_song_titles “C’mon, Fred, I wanna see it.”
Fred gave Nick a wide-eyed look, a letter clenched to her chest. She blushed and ducked before shaking her head. “It’s nothin’,” she said as she looked at him with hooded eyes. “Not as exciting as your news, Mister ‘I’m going to Vegas to work in their crime lab’.”
Nick chuckled and shook his head. He inched his truck forward as they waited in line at the car wash. His mother had insisted he wash his truck before moving away. “And you’re going to UCLA to become a famous historian,” he pointed out. “Not bad for a couple of Texas kids, huh?”
“I know,” she said as she gave him a smile. She couldn’t believe she was going to Los Angeles. So many of her friends were staying in Texas because it was all they knew. Fred, on the other hand, had promised herself she wouldn’t allow the familiarity of the rural countryside keep her there. She wanted to see the world, and the world was going to begin in LA. “I still can’t believe I got a full scholarship.”
“I do,” Nick said as he grinned at her. “I knew from the moment you walked into my hospital room, you were smart.”
Fred’s cheeks flushed again and she looked down at her lap. It’d been a few years since she’d talked some sense into him. They had become friends after that, while Fred harbored a crush for him. She didn’t think he would ever see her as more than a little sister but that was okay with her. After all, they got to spend time together and that was good enough for her.
“Don’t forget you still owe me dinner,” she said as they inched closer to the entrance of the car wash.
Nick laughed and looked over at her. “I’m not a famous forensic scientist yet.”
“You will be.”
He shrugged and was about to say something else when there was a knock on his window. The car wash attendant informed them that they needed to put more soap in and it would take a few minutes. Nick nodded and pulled his truck into the stall before putting it in gear and killing the engine.
“You’ll come and visit me, right?” Nick suddenly asked.
Fred glanced over at him and smiled. “You gotta visit me too,” she said.
“Deal.” There was a brief moment of silence before he started to talk again. “Fred, I don’t know how to ask you this because I’m afraid you’re gonna say no. It’s just…well…I’ve been waiting for a while to do this but I didn’t think it’d be right for me to do it before you got out of school, y’know.”
Fred blinked her eyes and looked at him. “What?” she asked, having no idea what he was trying to say.
Nick took a deep breath and shifted in his seat. “I really wanna kiss you,” he finally said.
“Kiss me?”
Fred’s heart starting to pound in her chest. Nick Stokes wanted to kiss her. She couldn’t remember how many times she’d wanted him to. “I-I see nothin’ wrong with that,” she said.
The sound of a seatbelt unbuckling filled the cab of the truck and before Fred could react, Nick’s lips were on hers. The kiss was soft at first but soon deepened. When the car wash started, and the automatic brushes started to slap against the truck, they broke the kiss and stared at each other.
“You’re gonna come and see me in Vegas, right?” Nick asked again, the corners of his mouth lifting.
“All the time,” Fred murmured before leaning forward for another kiss.