The Mpreg Family

Jan 06, 2009 16:52

...No, not THAT kind of family. ^_^ I don't have two fathers. BUT my mpreg fic which some of you may have read, "Magic, Marriage and Mayhem" - which, should anyone be interested, can be found here - has accrued... yes, that's right... family members.

It all started way back when - about a month ago in fact ^_^ - when the fragrant and lovely doomcanary was nice enough to say that she was enjoying it enough that she wanted to be it's mad aunt. And then we thought it needed godparents, and the lovely phantomjam accepted this difficult position. And then... everything snowballed. So here, dear friends, is a list of my fic's family. *grin* Please leave a comment if I've either left you out, or you'd like to become a family member - or a godparent, since the poor thing only has one at the moment!

EDIT: Good god, I forgot to put ME in! Mainly because I wasn't sure what to call myself. ^_^

Mother: xaritomene - single mother struggling along by herself, but willing to take any help she can get from her mad family. :D

Mad aunt: doomcanary Providing scandal at the family gatherings, by wearing Doc Martens and having toy-boys. (Who has given my fic a cousin with her own fic, here So many different kinds of AWESOME.)

Godparent: phantomjam Who now has the unenviable task of trying to give Merlin and Arthur's mad magical gay offspring some kind of moral guidance. o.O

Great-Aunt: acetamide The kind of great-aunt who keeps demanding when you're going to provide her with great-great nieces and nephews...

Third Cousin: xrysomou Turns up drunk to everything and asks you if you want some cut-price hash. Every family has one somewhere, but most aren't mad enough to invite them inside.

Uncle: wickednotevil Cross-dressing uncle. The aunt who believes she's not. And is not related to d00m. Is from the other side of the family by request. :D


EDIT: Mysterious distantly related fourth cousin once removed: fortasstu AKA Fandalf. ^_^ "swoops down every so often and distributes gifts" from far away lands. Everyone's FAVOURITE kind of relative!

EDIT II: Step-Brother: galahadwarhorse Who is emo and has a nasty habit of taking apart electrical equipment in order to attempt to make cyber house-flies. Who is this, my mad little friends? YES, THAT'S RIGHT, MY FIC HAS IT'S OWN COLIN!JETHRO!!! *spazzes just a little*

EDIT III: Niece: nev_longbottom She's a little estranged from the main family, and is a little bit precarious - we only see her at weddings and other big family events, where she tries to nick everything that's not nailed down - and then breaks it. We love her anyway.

EDIT IV: Ex-Boyfriend's Mother: 42footprints The ex is long gone, but the mother adopted the fic, and makes it soup and tea. Because evidently, it's own mother needs a bit of help, poor love. *grin*

EDIT V: ANOTHER GODPARENT!! : el_gilliath For the spoiling every fic occasionally needs, and the good kick it's likely to need a bit more often. :D

EDIT VI: Wicked Stepmother: wordsindreams Who really isn't so wicked - she plans to lock the fic up in an ivory tower, but tends to get distracted by Psych reruns and Star Trek movies, and ends up giving it a half eaten Mars Bar and a pound coin to get it home safely. Is probably the new wife (though I'm not sure she knows it) of the stepbrother's (galahadwarhorse’s ) wastrel, layabout good-for-nothing father, good riddance to him. ^_^

EDIT VII: Another Mad Aunt!: rhbb4life The kind who takes your children to their first strip club (evidently a gay one for this fic) and laughs at the parent when they try to remonstrate with them. And then make up for it by putting the alcohol-sodden child to bed and dealing with the vomit.

EDIT VIII: Yet Another Mad Aunt (our parents were busy, busy, busy! O.o): syrosis The aunt every family shoul dhave somewhere, but most pretend not to have. However, in this family, we celebrate our differences, oddities, and those things that really shouldn't be celebrated; bunions, STIs, verrucas and This Kind of aunt. You know. The ones with imaginary friends called Rudolph.

EDIT IX: Yet To Be Decided: merlinsgeekyfan The best kind of relation - one that isn't sure what relation they ARE to you, but gives you presents anyway. :D

EDIT X: Girl Next Door: nyxelestia Defending fic!gay one text at a time.

As far as I know, that's it. Oh, yes, family gatherings with that lot would be a laugh-riot. So, anyone else want to join the fun? This is a VERY welcoming family... ^_^

So, this post proves I'm insane, y/y?

fic (merlin): magic marriage and mayhem, mpreg family

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