How Things Are

Mar 09, 2010 15:25

I've been trying to take care of things since my mother passed away, but it's hard. Money's not an issue, bills are not an issue, they're being taken care of. But..the fact that she's not here now..that's the hardest part. The silence around me in the house is DEFEANING. The loneliness...I keep the television or music on at all times, but it's not ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

shoebox_addict March 10 2010, 01:37:32 UTC
I'm sorry things are tough right now, sweetie. You can get through it, I know you can. *hugs*


xariesgirl78x March 10 2010, 06:05:35 UTC
*hugs back* Thanks MK. I'm trying. I really am.


jessm78 March 10 2010, 17:58:44 UTC
Ohhh, hon. I can imagine how hard it must be for you. :( One of my best friends from college went through this... her dad passed away some years ago. She felt the same way and she couldn't stop thinking about him. She got busy looking for a job, watching her baby niece, and with other things, and she did eventually heal, but it can take a long time. My mom was so upset when my grandmother passed away, too. She had trouble sleeping for quite a while. It's not an easy thing at all. But you are doing the right thing - living your life to honor her, honor her memory. I'm sure she is looking down at you proudly. I can tell you are a wonderful daughter. :)

I just want you to know that I'm here for you... I know I haven't been too active on my email lately, but if you ever need to talk or anything like that I'm here.



xariesgirl78x March 10 2010, 20:34:58 UTC
Thanks Jessie :) *hugs back* I'm trying. :) I really am.


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